14. Wahlperiode

Conference of the Parliamentary Committees on Equal Opportunities for Women and Men of the EU Member States and of the European Parliament, Berlin 2000
Programme for the Preparatory Meeting on 10 September 2000
09.30 hrs | Departure of the busses from the Hotel Palace |
10.00 hrs | Opening Room 2N024, Reichstag Building Welcome by the chairperson of the Committee on Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth of the German Bundestag, Ms Christel Hanewinckel, Member of the German Bundestag |
10.15 hrs | Information on the current status of the
preparations for the conference: Course of the programme /
Organisation / Publications / Future of the Network by Christel
Hanewinckel. Information on the expert opinion "Occupations selected by girls and young women" by Dr. Ursula Nissen, German Youth Institute. |
12.00 hrs | Lunch at the restaurant of the Members of Parliament, Reichstag Building |
14.00 hrs | Discussion on the draft joint declaration for the annual conference (Berlin Declaration) |
16.00 hrs | Final discussion |
17.00 hrs | Departure of the bus to the landing stage in the Nikolai Quarter |
17.20 - 18.30 hrs | Boat Trip with the "Stern und Kreis
Schifffahrt" Departure from: Spree Bank at the Nikolai Quarter |
Thereafter | Walk through the Nikolai Quarter |
19.00 hrs | Dinner at Restaurant Ephraim's, Spreeufer 1 |
Thereafter | Departure of the bus to the Hotel Palace |