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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Libraries in United States of America

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: New Mexico
Official language: English

Official name of Parliament: New Mexico Legislature
-Bicameral -

Official names of Chambers: Senate (1)
House of Representatives (2)
The Library serves both chambers of the Parliament

New Mexico Legislature
Legislative Council Service
311 State Capitol
Santa Fe, NM 87503
Tel. (1)(505)9864600
Fax (1)(505)9864610

Details on the Library
Person in charge: Ms Ann Bancroft,
Position or official title: Librarian
Number of library staff: 2,
      Number of professional librarians: 1,
      Number of other staff in the Library: 1
Size of collection: 1.750
Number of current periodicals: 83
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Classification system
Restricted to members of parliament: No,
Who else may use library: House and Senate employees, public
IFLA membership: No

Parliamentary Papers
Resolutions and memorials of the State of New Mexico
1912 -
House of Representatives
House journal : proceedings
1912 -

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