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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: República Portuguesa
(Portuguese Republic)
Official language: Portugués

Official name of Parliament:* Assembleia da República
(Assembly of the Republic)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Member of the ASGP

2. Address
Assembleia da República
Biblioteca da Assembleia
Palácio de Sao Bento
1296 Lisboa Codex
Tel: *(351)(1)3976289
Fax: *(351)(1)3955945
Telex: 13041 AR P

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1836
Person in charge: Sr. D. José Luís Martins TOME
Position or official title: Responsável pela Biblioteca
Number of library staff: 17
Number of professional librarians: 4
Number of secretarial and support staff: 6
Number of other staff: 7 (servicios técnicos)
Size of collection: 100.000
Number of annual accessions: 600
Annual acquisitions budget: 5.000.000 esc (~ US$ 34.000)
Number of current periodicals: 2.000
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Sí, por la biblioteca
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 1.000
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 4.000
Number of current newspapers: 50
Press cuttings: Sí, por el Gabinete de Relaçoes Publicos e Internacionais
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Sí, por la Divisao de Informaçao Legislativa e Parlamentar
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Tesauro
Automation of cataloguing:
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: No
Clientele: Miembros, funcionarios de los grupos parlamentarios, personal administrativo del parlamento; investigadores
Number of reading rooms: 1 (50)
Number of loans per year: 2.000
Current bibliographies:. 4
Retrospective subject bibliographies: 50
External database searches: 200
Analysis and research: No
Right to deposit: Publicaciones oficiales
Other special collections of the Library: Fondo antiguo del siglo XVI al XVIII
IFLA membership: No

4. Publications published by the Library
Boletim bibliográfico
Boletim de sumários
Informaçao europeia
Boletim de informaçao económica
Catálogo de publicaçoes periódicas
Catálogo 1983 - 1993 : caderuos e dossiers da Biblioteca
Cadernos temáticos
Cadernos de informaçao

5. Publications concerning the Library
Leitao, Joaquim: O Palácio de Sao Bento. - Lisboa, 1945. - 200 p.
Silva, Maria das Dores Lopes da: Resumo histórico da Biblioteca, do Arquivo e do Museu da Assembleia da República. - Lisboa : Secretaria Geral da Assembleia da República, 1977. - 16 p.
Regulamento dos serviços. - Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 1980
Estatuto jurídico do pessoal da Assembleia da República. - Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 1980
Cabral, Alda: Development of an information system in the Portuguese Parliament // In: Parlament und Bibliothek. - München : Saur, 1986. - p. 195 - 202
Guadalpi, Margarida: Informatizaçao da Biblioteca da Assembleia da República / Margarida Guadalpi ; José Luís M. Tomé // In: Actas / 4. Congresso Nacional de BAD, Braga, 4 a 6 de marco de 1992. - Braga : Associaçao Portuguesa de BAD, 1992. - Vol. 2, p. 349 - 359

6. Parliamentary documents
* Diário da Assembleia da República
* Regimento da Assembleia da República. Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 1993. - 213 p.
* Lei orgânica da Assembleia da República. Lisboa : Assembleia da República, 1994. - 139 p.

(updated in January 1995)

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