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About Portugal

Portugal is a unitary state. It comprises the territory defined by history on the European continent and the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira. The Azores and Madeira constitute autonomous regions. The overseas territory of Macau is governed by special statute. The special political and administrative arrangements for the archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira are based on their geographical, economic and social conditions and on the aspirations of their populations to autonomy. The sovereignty of the Republic is represented in each of the Autonomous Regions by a Minister of the Republic.

The organs of government in the Autonomous Regions are: the unicameral Regional Legislative Assembly, elected by direct and secret universal adult suffrage, and the Regional Government which is politically responsible to the Regional Legislative Assembly. Its Chairman is appointed by the Minister of the Republic. The Minister appoints or dismisses members of the Regional Government on the proposal of its Chairman.

The Statute of the territory of Macau was first promulgated in 1976. In March 1990 the Legislative Assembly of Macau approved the final draft of the territory's revised Organic Law. The Law was approved by the Portuguese Assembly of the Republic in April, and granted Macau greater administrative, economic, financial and legislative autonomy. The powers of the Governor and of the Legislative Assembly, where six additional seats were to be created, were therefore increased.

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