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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Advice on how to update the following questionaire

From the front page you scroll down until you find “Questionaire (English)”. When you have clicked yourself into the first page of the questionnaire, and to be able to prepare the answers to all the detailed questions, you must answer and enter:

  1. name of person submitting (your name)
  2. name of country/territory
  3. name of the library

These three answers have to be completed in order to receive a print version of the whole questionaire or in order to continue.The e-mail address is useful, but it is not necessary for continuing the task. You must also click on one of the three entries on top of the questionaire:

  1. new entry
  2. additions
  3. modifications

If you forget to choose one of these, you cannot proceed.

  1. Tick “New Entry” when your country is not mentioned in the directory, so as to create a totally new entry .
  2. “Additions” has to be ticked if you want to add answers not previously completed.
  3. “Modifications” have to be marked when you want to amend answers which have been entered previously.

Having filled in all these items, you now mark next page and you may print out the complete questionaire.

It is advisable to prepare for yourself a written version before entering the online-answers. This applies especially to answers where you may have to transcribe or to transliterate names in scripts other than the Latin script (or even Latin script letters which do not exist in the German alphabet, like the “ø” in Norwegian). If you have to avoid these problems with this aspect, do not be irritated, you can always use the English names to avoid these problems. Please write to the German Bundestag if it is not possible to update or change information in specific fields. The Bundestag will then delete the information and leave these items in the questionaire empty.

It is very important to scroll down to the end of the questionaire in order to click the “submit” button. Only this will make sure that the questionaire will be sent to the German Parliament.

Online-Questionnaire for the
World Directory of National Parliamentary Libraries

New entry or additions or modifications?
Name of the person submitting
E-Mail of the person submitting
Name of country/territory (latin transcript)
Name of the library (latin transcript)

You are kindly requested to fill the fields necessary for indentification, i.e. the name of library and the name of the person submitting the entry. Then please klick on the Submit-Button to get to the questionaire.
For modifikations please fill only those fields of the questionaire for which the information has changed. To add information, e.g. in the listings of publications, please submit only the additional information.
However, please submit ALL PARTS of the questionaire, even if you filled in only information on one page. Only the submission of the last page triggers the submission to be sent to the German Bundestag.
In order to get to the Nächste Seite of this questionaire you have to klick the button "Next Page".

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