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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Republika Makedonija
(Republic of Macedonia)
Official language: Macedonian

Official name of Parliament: Sobranie na Republika Makedonija
(Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Member of the ASGP
- unicameral -

2. Address
Biblioteka na Sobranieto na Republika Makedonija
Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia - Library
ul. "11 Oktomvri" b.b.
91000 Skopje
Tel.: *(389)(91)11 22 55
Fax: *(389)(91)111675
Telex: 51189
3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation:: 1964
Person in charge: Mr Todorce Lukarevski
Position or official title: Sovetnik vo Biblioteka
Number of library staff: 1
Number of professional librarians: 1
Size of collection: 15.200
Number of current periodicals: 112
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of current newspapers: 82
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Ministry of Information
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: No
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Classification system
Automation of cataloguing: No
Clientele: Members, parliamentary staff
Number of reading rooms: 1 (10)
Number of loans per year: 6.000
Reference services: 1.200
Current bibliographies: 20
Retrospective subject bibliographies: No
Analysis and research: Yes, by the department of analysis and researches
External database searches: No
Right to deposit: Official publications
Depository library: United Nations
Other special collections of the Library: A collection of official publications of the former Jugoslav Republics from 1945 to 1991/93 is at the disposal of Library, which continues to exchange official materials with the former Jugoslav Republics
IFLA membership: Yes

4. Publications published by the Library
Bibliografski informativen pregled na novi knigi i spisanija
Bibliographic information of new books and periodicals
Tekoven selektiven pregled na sodrzinite na spisanijata
Current selctive review of the contents of periodicals

5. Publications concerning the Library
Sobraniska Biblioteka
The Assembly's Library

6. Parliamentary documents
Shorthand recordings of the sessions of the Assembly
- Dneven informator
Daily informer
Bulletin. - Periodical publication of the service "INDOK"
Sobraniski informator
Newspaper of the Assembly
Sobraniye=Assembly / Republika Makedonija. - Skopje, 1994. - 63 p. In Macedonian and English

(updated in October 1999)

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