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Visits at the invitation of a Member of Parliament

Photography: View from the entrance of the Paul-Löbe Building, a visitors group, behind them an information terminal
Visitors group in the Paul-Löbe-Building

Subject to certain restrictions, Members of the German Budestag can invite visiting groups (at least 10 participants) to make a study visit or visit to a plenary sitting.

  • Study visit:
    45-minute talk on the functions, working methods and composition of parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building; discussion with the Member of Parliament who issued the invitation; snack; group photo, unaccompanied visit to the dome if desired
  • Visit to a plenary sitting:
    Approx. 1-hour visit to a plenary sitting; discussion with the Member of Parliament who issued the invitation; snack; group photo, unaccompanied visit to the dome if desired

Further Information
Please address inquiries to the Member of Parliament who issued the invitation or his/her constituency office.
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