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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Republika Bosna i Hercegovina
(Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Official language: Serbo-Croat

Official name of Parliament: Skupstina Republike Bosne i Hercegovine
(Assembly of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union

2. Address
Skupstina Bosne i Hercegovine
Sluzba za dokumentaciju Skupstine
Parlamentarna biblioteka
Omladinska ulica br. 9
Tel.: *(387)(71)1446326 (c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs)
Fax: *(387)(71)1446327 (c/o Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1963
Person in charge: Ms Vesna ALJOVIC
Position or official title: Counsellor
Number of library staff: 3
Number of professional librarians: 2
Number of secretarial and support staff: 1
Size of collection: Destroyed
Number of current periodicals: None
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Classification system
Automation of cataloguing: No
Reference services: 2.000
Current bibliographies: No
Analysis and research: Yes, by Sluzba za dokumentaciju
Any other information: Before the outbreak of the war the library had significant holdings, but only a few items of the collection were preserved, e.g. the stenographic records of the debates (1943 - ), certain official documents, and a small number of monographs, whereas the holdings of parliamentary publications, periodicals, and newspapers were entirely destroyed; this holds also true of the catalogues and of the equipment, including computers
IFLA membership: No

6. Parliamentary documents
(last update: April 1994)
