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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Libraries in Canada

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: New Brunswick
Official languages: English, French

Official name of Parliament: Legislative Assembly / Assemblée Législative
- Unicameral -

2. Address
New Brunswick Legislative Library
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, N.B., E3B 5H1
Tel. (1)(506)4532338
Fax (1)(506)4537154
Cable address: Comparlas Fredericton


Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1841
Person in charge: Mr Eric L. Swanick,
Position or official title: Director
Number of library staff: 7
Number of professional librarians: 4
Number of secretarial and support staff in the Library: 3
Size of collection: 250.000
Number of annual accessions: 25.500
Annual acquisitions budget: 20.000 C$ (USD 12,000)
Number of current periodicals: 800
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: No
Number of current newspapers: 25
Press cuttings: Ja (4)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Not by the library, by the Journal of Debates (Hansard) Office
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: thesaurus
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: No
Restricted to members of parliament: No
Who else may use library: All
Number of reading rooms: 2 (35)
Reference services: Yes
Current bibliographies: Yes
Retrospective subject bibliographies: Yes
External database searches: Yes
Analysis and research: Yes
Right to deposit: This library deposits New Brunswick government publications with the National Library of Canada.
Depository library for: This library is a full depository library for all New Brunswick government publications as well as those from the federal gov't in both official languages.
Other special collections of the Library: Excellent collection of New brunswick material.
Any other information: Through exchange and deposit agreements, it also holds Sessional papers and publications of the other provinces and the territories. All newspapers of the Province are acquired and an extensive periodicals collection is maintained
IFLA membership: No

Publications published by the Library
Library update=Nouvelles sur la bibliothèque
New Brunswick government documents annual catalogue = Publications gouvernementales du Nouveau-Brunswick catalogue annuel
New Brunswick government publications quarterly list = Publications du gouvernement du Nouveau-Brunswick liste trimestrielle
- Periodical contents = Table des matières des périodiques
Selected accessions = Liste sélective d'acquisitions

Publications concerning the Library
- Beard, John Robert: Canadian provincial libraries. - Ottawa : Canadian Library Association, 1967. - 303 p. - (Occasional paper ; 54)
- Conway, Donald: The development of the New Brunswick Legislative Library // In: New Brunswick library history / ed. by Eric L. Swanick. - Halifax : School of Library and Information Studies, 1991. - p. 1 - 37
- Coughlin, Violet: Layer units of public library service in Canada : with particular reference to the Provinces of Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. - Metuchen, N.J. : Scarecrow, 1968. - 330 p.
Swanick, Eric L.: New Brunswick = Nouveau-Brunswick // In: Canada's parliamentary libraries=Les bibliothèques parlementaires du Canada / The Association of Parliamentary Librarians in Canada. - 1989

Parliamentray Papers
Journal of debates : Hansard=Journaux de débats
Daily during session
Standing rules = Règlement
1986 -
Bills = Projets de loi
- Status of legislation = État des travaux

(updated in June 1998)