Bildwortmarke des Deutschen Bundestages . - Schriftzug und Bundestagsadler
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Official name of the country: Bundesrepublik Deutschland
(Federal Republic of Germany)
Official language: Deutsch

Official name of Parliament: There are two legislative bodies, of which the elective German Bundestag is the supreme legislative authority. The component federal states, the Länder, participate through the Bundesrat in the legislation and administration of the Federation. The Bundesrat consists of members of the Land governments which appoint and recall them. Laws passed by the German Bundestag require the consent of the Bundesrat when matters affecting the federal states are concerned. In German constitutional law the German Bundestag and the Bundesrat constitute two separate constitutional bodies of their own.

For the parliaments of the component Länder of the Federal Republic of Germany see the
World directory of parliamentary libraries of federated states and autonomous territories-listing below:

About Germany
Baden-Württemberg, Land
Bayern, Land
Berlin, Land
Brandenburg, Land
Bremen, Land
Hamburg, Land
Hessen, Land
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Land
Niedersachsen, Land
Nordrhein-Westfalen, Land
Rheinland-Pfalz, Land
Saarland, Land
Sachsen, Land
Sachsen-Anhalt, Land
Schleswig-Holstein, Land
Thüringen, Land
