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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Kazakstan Respublikasy
(Republic of Kazakhstan)
Official language: Kazakhskiy

Official name of Parliament: Parlament
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
-Bicameral -
Official names of Chambers: Senat (1)
Majilis (2)
The Informationno-analiticheskiy Tsentr serves both chambers of the Parliament

2. Address
Parlament kitaphanasi
Parlament Uyi
480091 Almaty
Tel.: *(7)(3272)629888
Fax: *(7)(3272)639490

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1990
Person in charge: G-n Murat ARENOV
Position or official title: Direktor, vedushchiy spetsialist Informatsionnogo Tsentra
Number of library staff: 3
Number of professional librarians: 3
Size of collection: 7.000
Number of annual accessions: 500
Annual acquisitions budget: 260.000 T (~ US$ 4.900)
Number of current periodicals: 290
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Da, Bibliotekoy
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 250
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 4.500
Number of current newspapers: 118
Press cuttings: Da, Bibliotekoy
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Da, Bibliotekoy

Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: Net
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Klassifikatsionnaya sistema
Automation of cataloguing: Da
Clientele: Chleny parlamenta, sotrudniki Apparata parlamenta
Number of reading rooms: 1 (10)
Number of loans per year: 6.000
Reference services: 3.000
Current bibliographies: 28
Retrospective subject bibliographies: 8 - 10
External database searches: 70
Analysis and research: Da, Bibliotekoy
IFLA membership: Net

4. Publications published by the Library
Novye knigi
Tematicheskiye spiski literatury dlya komitetov Verkhovnogo Soveta

6. Parliamentary documents
Parlamentskiy vestnik=Parlament sharshisi
Parliament Newsletter. - Na russkom i kazakhskom yazykakh
Stenograficheskie otchety parlamentskikh zasedaniy=Majilis otirisitin stenografiyalik esep
Verbatim report of Parliamentary sessions. - Na russkom i kazakhskom yazykakh
Sbornik zakonov i rezolyuzsyy parlamenta=Kaulilari parlament zandapshane shinagi
Collection of laws and resolutions of Parliament. - Na russkom i kazakhskom yazykakh
Perechen' osnovnykh zakonodatel'nykh aktov, prinyatykh parlamentom
List of legislative acts adopted by Parliament. - Na russkom yazyke
Reglament parlamenta=Parlament reglamenty
Standing orders of Parliament. - Na russkom i kazakhskom yazykakh

(updated in April 1996)
