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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Kyrgyz Respublikasy
(Kyrgyz Republic)
Official languages: Kyrgyzskiy, russkiy

Official name of Parliament: Jogorku Kenesh
(Supreme Council)
-Bicameral -
Official names of Chambers: Jogorku Keneshinim el Ökyuldor Jaini (1)
(Assembly of People's Representatives)
Myijan Chigaruchu Jaini (2)
(Legislative Assembly)
The Library serves both chambers of the Parliament

2. Address
Jogorku Kenesh
Dom Pravitel'stva
pr. Chui, 205
720003 Bishkek
Tel.: *(7)(3312)226339; 228725
Fax: *(7)(3312)226035

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1995
Person in charge: G-zha Aida Bolotkanovna ATABEKOVA
Position or official title: Starshiy Konsul'tant sektora bibliotechnogo fonda i informatsii
Number of library staff: 2
Size of collection: 2.000
Number of annual accessions: 12
Annual acquisitions budget: 15.000 SOM (~ US$ 1.300)
Number of current newspapers: 7
Press cuttings: Da, Bibliotekoy (7)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Da, Bibliotekoy
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: Da
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Klassifikatsionnaya sistema
Automation of cataloguing: Net
Clientele: Chleny parlamenta, sotrudniki Apparata parlamenta
Reference services: 3.000
Current bibliographies: Net
Retrospective subject bibliographies: Net
External database searches: Net
Analysis and research: Net
Any other information: V nastoyashee vremya biblioteka nahoditsya v sostoynii formirovaniya
IFLA membership: Net

6. Parliamentary documents
Vedomosti jogorku kenesha=Vedomostire jogorku kenesha
Na russkom i kyrgizskom yazykakh

(updated in April 1996)
