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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Republic of Mauritius
Official language: English

Official name of Parliament: National Assembly

2. Address
National Assembly
National Assembly Library
Government House
Port Louis
Tel.: *(230)2011340
Fax: *(230)2128364

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1981
Person in charge: Ms Geeta ATMAROW
Position or official title: Senior Librarian
Number of library staff: 3
Number of professional librarians: 1
Number of secretarial and support staff: 2
Size of collection: 10.000
Number of annual accessions: 200
Annual acquisitions budget: 100.000 MR (~ US$ 5.750)
Number of current periodicals: 25
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library (on a trial basis)
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 6
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 100
Number of current newspapers: 20
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Library (5)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by the Reporting staff
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: Yes
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Classification system
Automation of cataloguing: No
Clientele: Members, parliamentary staff; civil servants; scholars; general public (the latter upon authorisation by the Speaker or, in his absence, by the Clerk)
Number of reading rooms: 1 (25)
Number of loans per year: 200
Reference services: Yes
Current bibliographies: No
Retrospective subject bibliographies: No
External database searches: No
Analysis and research: No
Right to deposit: No, the Archives Department is the Legal Deposit Library
Other special collections of the Library: Publications of all Ministries, public and parastatal bodies, as these documents are laid on the table of the National Assembly
IFLA membership: No

6. Parliamentary documents
Parliamentary business
Daily Order Paper which is an official list of business to be taken before the House
Parliamentary debates
Commonly known as Hansard. - Typed by the reporters on every sitting of the House. - Each sitting edition issued as unrevised. - The unofficial verbatim copy of the Hansard contains the full text of each & every business before the House, i.e. Mr Speaker's announcements, a list of all papers laid on the table of the National Assembly, speeches made in Parliament, questions and answers, Ministers' statements, all interventions on public bills, motions, etc., as well as adjournment matters. - This unofficial copy of the Hansard becomes official only when it would have been printed under the authority of the Speaker. - However, the unedited Hansard is available for consultation in the Library. - Each issue is dated, numbered as per respective term of the National Assembly, the session and sitting. - Hard-bound editions are issued at the end of the year. - Each volume contains indices which gather alphabetically all subjects dealt with, as well as a coverage of each Member's interventions in Parliament. - All Parliamentary questions come under a separate entry, as well as all papers laid on the table
* Minutes of proceedings
The Minutes of proceedings is a concise record of all business transacted by the House. - It is issued at each sitting and a final edition is bound and published at the end of the year. - This edition contains an index comprising different entries for all legislative procedures, announcements, personal explanations, enactments, statements, motions as well as all papers presented in the House during a year. - The daily issues are dated and detailed as above
* Standing orders and rules of the Legislative Assembly : as in force to date. - 1995
* Rules made by Mr Speaker in accordance with Standing Order 114 in regard to Select Committees. - 1986. - 16 p.
Parliamentary papers
Parliamentary papers are bound annually. - Papers may be annual reports of Government as well as parastatal bodies, reports of commissions of enquiry and committees or study reports such as White papers, bulletins, surveys, statistics, etc.
Public Accounts Committee
There may be several special reports concerning investigation and scrutiny of public finance as well as an annual report of the Committee's work upon the examination of the current Director of Audit's report
Select committees
Select committees are conducted, though not annually, on any topic of major importance, upon which a report will be published
Parliamentary bills and acts
Newly numbered series for each year

(updated in October 1995)
