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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Nepal Adhirajya
(Kingdom of Nepal)
Official language: Nepáli
Business language: English

Official name of Parliament: Sansad
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Member of the ASGP
-Bicameral -
Official names of Chambers: Rastriya Sabha ( National Assembly ) (1)
(National Council)
Pratinidhi Sabha (2)
(House of Representatives)
The Library serves both chambers of the Parliament

2. Address
Sansad Pustkalaya
Parliament House
Tel.: *(977)(1)227480; 221594
Fax: *(977)(1)228551; 222923
Telex: PARARA NP 2224

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1951
Person in charge: Ms Jayanti RANA
Position or official title: Chief Librarian (Under-Secretary)
Number of library staff: 11
Number of professional librarians: 2
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 2
Number of secretarial and support staff: 4
Number of other staff: 2 (Attendants)
Size of collection: 12.000
Number of annual accessions (number of volumes): 1200
Annual acquisitions budget - in national currency:Lack
Annual acquisitions budget - Equivalent in US$: 7,300
Number of current periodicals : 105
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of indexed periodicals: 16
Number of current newspapers: 75
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Library
Number of newspapers and press services used for clipping: 25
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by the Library
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Thesaurus and classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: Yes
Clientele: Members, parliamentary staff; Government officials; scholars
Number of reading rooms: 3 (50)
Number of loans per year: 1300
Reference services: 350
Current bibliographies: Yes
Retrospective subject bibliographies: Yes
External database searches: No
Analysis and research: Yes, by Parliament Secretariat
IFLA membership: No

4. Publications published by the Library
- Bibliography
Books list
In Nepáli and English
Library annual report
In Nepáli
Periodicals in Parliament Library

5. Publications concerning the Library
Subedi, Madhusudan: Parliament Library of Nepal : an overview // In: APLAP newsletter. - 1993, no. 5, p. 6 - 9
Parliamentary Library introduction
In Nepáli and English
Parliamentary Library Rules (in Nepali)

Parliamentary debates: Hansard (in Nepali)

Standing orders (in Nepali) Rules of the National Assembly 2055 (1998) (n Nepali and English)

Rules of the House of Representatives 2055 (1998) (in Nepali and English)

Parliamentary Debates Hansard (in Nepali and English)

Standing orders (in Nepali)

House of Representatives and National Assembly Committee's Introduction and reports (in Nepali and English)

List of Members National Assembly and House of Representatives (in Nepali)

An outline of the constitutional development in Nepal (in English) by Bishnu Dutta Uprety

Collection of Legislative History, 1994 (in Nepali)

Feature of the Parliament of Nepal, 1998 (in English)

Introduction of Parliamentary Information System (in English) by Bishnu Dutta Uprety, 1995.

6. Parliamentary documents
The Parliament of Nepal : an overview
In English
List of business
In Nepáli
In Nepáli
In Nepáli
Parliamentary bulletin
In Nepáli
Rastriya Sabha
Rules of the National Council. - 2048 [1991]
List of Members
Pratinidhi Sabha
House of Representatives debates
In Nepáli
List of Members
Rules of the House of Representatives. - 2048 [1991]

(updated in February 1999)
