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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official names of Chambers: Camera Deputatilor (2)
(Chamber of Deputies)
Member of the ASGP

2. Address
Palatul Parlamentului
Camera Deputatilor - Biblioteca
Strada Izvor Nr. 2-4, Sector 5
Bucuresti, 70647
Tel.: *(004)(1)4021355
Fax: *(004)(1)3120827; 3124406
Telex: 11801; 11893 ADDEP R

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1918/1994
Person in charge: Ms Ioana BOROCAN
Position or official title: Director
Number of library staff: 11
Number of professional librarians: 11
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 28
Specification: research analysts are outside of the Library in the Directions for Studies and Research
Size of collection: 45.000
Number of annual accessions: 2.500
Annual acquisitions budget: 100.000.000 l (~ US$ 5.000)
Number of current periodicals: 65
Analytical cataloguing: yes
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 40
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 300
Number of articles: 3200
Number of current newspapers: 15
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Press Dept.
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes (by: Departement for legislative works)
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Thesaurus
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: No
Clientele: Members of Parliament, parliamentary staff, Constitutional Court, Legislative Council, Council of Competition
Number of reading rooms: 3 (70)
Number of loans per year: 6.800
Reference services: cc. 9000
Current bibliographies: 170
Number of current bibliographic bulletins or series: daily
Subject bibliographies: 45
External database searches: yes
Number of searches per year: 11200
Retrospective subject bibliographies: 4
External database searches: Yes
Analysis and research: Yes, by the library and by: Direction for studies and research
Right to deposit: Romanian statistical documents
Other special collections: Non books
IFLA membership: No

4. Publications published by the Library
Carti noi intrate in biblioteca
New books in the Library
Historical events in Romania and in the world
- monthly
Short research papers or translations
Search in INTERNET

5. Publications concerning the Library
ROMANIAN LEGISLATION: - translated in english, french
Chamber of Deputies Library of Romania: 1995. - In : Parliamentary Libraries and Research Services in Central and Eastern Europe/ ed. by William Robinson and Raymand Gastelum. - Munchen : Saur, 1998

6. Parliamentary documents
Monitorul oficial al României
Official gazette
Partea A II - A
Parliamentary sittings and debates
* Legislatia României
Romanian legislation
Oaspeti de Seama : 4 decembrie 1990 - 16 mai 1995. - 1995. - 165 p.
ISBN 973-567-078-X
The parliament of Romania. - 1994. - 63 p.
ISBN 973-567-063-1
Parliamentary bulletin. - 1995 -
Camera Deputatilor
Regulamentul Camerei Deputatilor
Standing orders enacted 24 February 1994
Regulations of the Assembly of Deputies : enacted by the Assembly of Deputies by decision no. 12 of June 27, 1990. - Bucharest, 1990. - 44 p.
In English

(updated in April 2000)
