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Libraries in Russia

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: Bashkortostan
Respublika v sostave Rossiyskoy Federatsii
(Republik im Verband der Russischen Föderation)
Official languages: Russisch, Baschkirisch, Tatarisch

Official name of Parliament: Verkhovniy Sovet Respubliki Bashkortostan
(Oberster Sowjet der Republik Baschkortostan)
- Unicameral -
Supplementary library services are provided by:
Natsional'naya Biblioteka

Filial Tsentral'noy Gorodskoy Biblioteki pri
Verkhovnom Sovete
Ul. Tukayeva, 46
450101 Ufa
Tel. (7)(3472)227066
Fax (7)(3472)233979
Natsional'naya Biblioteka
im Akhmet-Zaki Validi
Respubliki Bashkortostan
Ul. Lenina 4
450000 Ufa
Tel. (7)(3472)220489, telex 162322 kniga

Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1979
Person in charge: G-n Rais Minigaleyevich Musifullin (Herr Rais Minigalejewitsch Musifullin),
Position or official title: Leiter der Abteilung
Number of library staff: 1
Size of collection: 8.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 100.000 Rbl
Number of current periodicals: 59
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Thesaurus und Klassifikationssystem
Restricted to members of parliament: Nein,
Who else may use library: der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich
Right to deposit: Pflichtablieferungsbibliothek für Parlaments-drucksachen und Amtliches Schriftum Basch-kortostans
IFLA membership: Nein
Year of foundation: 1921
Person in charge: G-n Mukhamet Khaziyevich Zakirov (Herr Muchamet Chasijewitsch Sakirow),
Position or official title: Direktor
Number of library staff: 264,
      Number of professional librarians: 179,
      Number of other staff in the Library: 85
Size of collection: 60.000.000 Rbl
Number of current periodicals: 500
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Klassifikationsystem
Restricted to members of parliament: Ja,
Who else may use library: Öffentliche Bibliothek
Right to deposit: Ja
IFLA membership: Nein

Publications published by the Library
Biblioteki Bashkirii

Parliamentary Papers
* Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta i Soveta Ministrov (Pravitel'sta) Respubliki Bashkortostan
Nachrichten des Obersten Sowjet und des Ministerrates (der Regierung) der Republik Baschkortostan
In russischer und baschkirischer Sprache
* Zakony Respubliki Bashkortostan. Konstitutsiya Respubliki Bashkortostan
Gesetze der Republik Baschkortostan
Verfassung der Republik Baschkortostan
In russischer und baschkirischer Sprache
