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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Sverige
(Kingdom of Sweden)
Official language: Swedish

Official name of Parliament: Sveriges Riksdagen
(The Swedish Parliament)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Member of the ASGP

2. Address
Sveriges riksdag
S-100 12 Stockholm

Visiting address:
Storkyrkobrinken 7

Tel.: *(46)(8)786 40 00
Fax: *(46)(8)786 57 71

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1851
Person in charge: Ms Margareta BRUNDIN
Position or official title: Avdelningschef
Number of library staff: 42
Number of professional librarians: 31
Number of secretarial and support staff: 6
Number of other staff: 5 (2 archivists, 1 editor, 2 historians)
Size of collection: 700.000
Number of annual accessions: 15.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 16 000 000 SEK (1 700 000 U$D)
Number of current periodicals: 2.000
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 200
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 1.500
Number of current newspapers: 300
Press cuttings: Not by the library, by: Electronic cuttings by external supplier
Number of newspapers and press services used for clipping: 250
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by the library
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: Yes
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Thesaurus and classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: Yes
Clientele: Members of Parliament, staff of Parliament; Government and governmental agencies and institutions; Scholars, students and the general public
Number of reading rooms: 12 (125)
Number of loans per year: 45.000
Reference services: 15.000
Current bibliographies: Yes, 1
Retrospective subject bibliographies: No
External database searches: 3.000
Analysis and research: Not, by the library, by: Department of Research Service
Other special services: Electronic SDI service; Electronic new service; Educational courses for MP:s and staff; Educational courses for librarians
Right to deposit: Swedish government publications
Depository library: EU, GATT/WTO, ILO, UN, Unesco
Other special collections of the Library: Parliamentary documents and laws from other countries; Publications of international organizations such as Nordic Council, Council of Europe, OECD et al.
Any other information: External databases in the internal net of the Riksdag
IFLA membership: Yes

4. Publications published by the Library
Statliga publikationer : Årsbibliografi
Annual. - Swedish government publications
35 issues p.a. - New books and articles
7 p.a. - New books and articles on the EU
- Ståndsprotokoll
Minutes from the Four Estates Riksdag
Tvåkammarriksdagen : 1867 - 1970 ; ledamöter och valkretsar
The bicameral Riksdag : Members and constituencies
Fakta om folkvalda. - 1985 -
Riksdagen : ledatmotsförteckning. - Stockholm : Riksdagens förvaltningskontor
Annual list of Members and Riksdag Committee

5. Publications concerning the Library
Grönberg, L.: The Library of the Swedish Parliament : 1851 - 1980. - Uppsala, 1981. - 11 p.
The Parliamentary Libraries of the Nordic Countries and other Information and Documentation Services in the Nordic Parliaments. - Stockholm 2001. - 148 p. - ISBN 91-85050-70-9.
Riksdagsbiblioteket 150 år, 1851-2001. (The history of the Parliamentary Library of Sweden between 1851 and 2001
Ed. by Margareta Brundin and Anders Norberg. Stockholm 2001. - 285 p. - ISBN 91-85050-51-2.

6. Parliamentary documents
* Protokoll / Riksdagen
Bd A1 -
The Riksdag Minutes contain the full text of speeches and debates, questions and interpellations asked and answered. - They also provide decisions and results of votings. - Instantaneous minutes are printed the day after the speech or the debate took place and are replaced about a month later by the Final Minutes
* Protokoll / Riksdagen
Appendix to the Minutes
Saml. 1. Regeringens propositioner
Bd B1 -
Proposals submitted to the Riksdag by the Government

Saml. 2. Förslag och redogörelser
Bd C1 -
Proposals and reports from the various Riksdag organs and agencies, as for instance from the Office of the Parliamentary Ombudsmen
Saml. 3. Motioner
Bd D1 -
Proposals submitted to the Riksdag by Members
Saml. 4 - [20]
Bd E1 -
Reports from the Riksdag Committees
Saml. 21. Riksdagsskrivelser
Bd F1 -
Riksdag communications to the Government
* Register. - Bd G

(updated in January 2003)
