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Startseite > DOKUMENTE > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Jumhurii Tojikiston
(Republic of Tajikistan)
Official language: Tadzhikskiy

Official name of Parliament:* Majlisi Olii Jumhurii Tojikiston
(Supreme Assembly)

*) for the parliament of the Autonomous Region of Gorny Badakhshan see World directory of parliamentary libraries of federated states and autonomous

2. Address
Majlisi Olii Jumhurii Tojikiston
pr. Rudaki 42
734025 Dushanbe
Tel.: *(7)(3772)215714
Fax: *(7)(3772)210069
Telex: 201137 Pamir SU

3. Details on the Library
Person in charge: G-zha Sarvar Khamikovna Negmadzhanova
Position or official title: Mudiri Kitobkhonai Khizmaty
Number of library staff: 1
Size of collection: 400
Number of annual accessions: 10
Number of current periodicals: 5
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Net
Number of current newspapers: 5
Press cuttings: Da, Bibliotekoy
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Da, Bibliotekoy
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: Da
Automation of cataloguing: Net
Clientele: Chleny parlamenta, sotrudniki Apparata parlamenta
Number of reading rooms: 1 (10)
Number of loans per year: 65
Reference services: 25
Current bibliographies: Net
Retrospective subject bibliographies: Net
External database searches: Net
Analysis and research: Net
IFLA membership: Net

6. Parliamentary documents
Vedomosti Verkhovnogo Soveta
Yezhekvartal'no. - Na tadzhikskom, russkom i uzbekskom yazikakh

(updated in November 1995)
