Statement of the Invited Speakers
Public Hearing "Globalisation and Gender", 18 February
- Prof. Dr. Diane Elson, University of
Essex, UK
"Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policy from a Gender Perspective – Section 1: Gender and Fiscal and Monetary Policy"
"Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policy from a Gender Perspective - Section 2: Gender and financial liberalisation" - Prof. Dr.
Friederike Maier, Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, Berlin
Stellungnahme zum Fragenkomplex IV "Die Situation von Frauen auf dem deutschen und osteuropäischen Arbeitsmarkt" - Dr. Caroline
Moser, Senior Research Associate, Overseas Development Institute
London and Visiting Professor, New School University, New
Draft "Mainstreaming Gender in International Organisations" - Prof. Dr. Pawan
Surana, Maharani College, Jaipur, Indien
"Effect of Globalisation on Human Trafficking and forced Prostitution in India" - Prof. Dr. Maria
S. Floro, American University, Washington, D.C., USA
"Gender Perspectives on Financing for Development" - Dr. Achola Pala Okeyo, UNDP Africa
Bureau, New York, USA
"Globalisation and Gender Equality: Perspectives from Africa" - Dr. Mariama Williams, Center of Concern
(COC), Washington, D.C., USA
Background Notes to the Statement of Dr. Mariama Williams