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The German Bundestag takes the protection of personal data very seriously. Technical and organisational measures have been put in place to ensure that both we and external service providers comply with data protection rules.

When you visit our website, data which might make it possible to identify you (for example: IP address, date, time and pages viewed) are stored on our servers for security purposes. IP addresses are not used to identify users and we do not create user profiles that identify or could potentially be used to identify individual users. We reserve the right to analyse anonymised data for statistical purposes.

When you order information material from the Information Counter, subscribe to a newsletter or use the mailbox, we ask you for personal information. You are free to decide whether or not to provide this information. We store the data on specially protected servers in Germany. Data protection rules are complied with.

When ordering information material, your personal details are used within the German Bundestag and by the companies responsible for dispatch of the brochures. They are not passed on to third parties without your express authorisation.

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