Items of business
The President has to open the debate on any item of business on the agenda, unless it is not permissible or special conditions apply. A debate is, for example, not permitted in connection with the election of the Federal Chancellor (Art. 63, paragraph (1) of the Basic Law).
The deliberations on items of business can, as a rule, begin at the earliest on the third day after the relevant printed paper has been distributed. This is intended to ensure that Members have time to prepare for the debate. However, in most cases it is possible to depart from this rule, if a two-thirds majority so decides.
Rule 75 of the Rules of Procedure enumerates all the items of business which may be placed on the agenda or discussed in connection with items on the agenda.
- Items of business / Policy statements
and present reports
- Items of business / Motions
- Items of business / Other government
- Items of business / EU items
- Items of business / Questions to the
Federal Government