Parliamentary Television - transparency and diversity on screen

A camera display during the production of a television programme
Helping viewers make up their own minds
Parliamentary Television complements the reporting of the public
and private broadcasting corporations, allowing viewers to watch
debates in Parliament "live, without commentary and uncut". It
helps the public to make up their own minds about the work of their
elected representatives and follow political discussions in which
they have a particular interest. When the Bundestag is not sitting,
programmes transmitted earlier by Parliamentary Television are
repeated. Parliamentary Television, which originally started out as
an in-house channel, thus offers a different view of the
multifaceted and often protracted work involved in parliamentary
debates and decision-making. These processes do not just take place
in the plenary, but also in a variety of committees, commissions
and other bodies.
Availability on the Internet
The programmes produced by Parliamentary Television are primarily
made available via the Internet. In addition, Parliamentary
Television can be received as a digital package on the Berlin cable
network (862 MHz, Channel 38). Not all parts of the Berlin cable
network have been upgraded for the transmission of digital
programmes yet, so anyone who wishes to watch Parliamentary
Television should also consider the option of subscribing to a
private network operator that transmits digital programmes. An
additional device is required in order to receive the channel by
Media service provider
In addition to this, Parliamentary Television provides all
interested media and television organisations with visual material
as a way of supporting their reporting on Parliament. At the same
time, Parliamentary Television also works closely with
parliamentary channels in other European countries and the
audiovisual unit of the European Parliament. It is important that
every viewer, whether they are a journalist, lobbyist, student or
an interested member of the public, should be able to use the
service provided by Parliamentary Television individually to
satisfy their own interests and requirements.