Official name of the country: Brazil
Federal Republic
Official language(s): Portuguese
Official name of Parliament in original language: Congresso Nacional
Official name of Parliament in English
translation: National Congress
Official name of Chamber: Câmara dos Deputados
(Chamber of Deputies)
Name of Parliamentary Library - In original language: Centro de Documentação e Informação - Cedi
Name of Parliamentary Library - In English translation: Center for Documentation and Information - Cedi
Member of the ASGP
2. Address
Centro de Documentação e Informação
Câmara dos Deputados
Anexo II Praça dos Três Poderes
DF 70160-900 Brazil
Tel.: *(55)(61)3216-5777
Fax: *(55)(61)3216-5757
3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1866
Person in charge: Mr Adolfo Furtado
Position or official title:Diretor do Centro de
Documentação e Informação
Number of library staff: 245
Number of professional librarians: 63
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library:
Specification: There are 17 background researchers
Number of secretarial and support staff: 60
Number of other staff: 122
Specification: Archivists, journalists, historians, editors,
restoration and conservation professionals, lawyers
Size of collection: 300.000
Number of annual accessions: 4.100
Number of current periodicals: 4.000
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: yes, by the
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles:
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 3.800
Number of current newspapers:. 29
Press cuttings:yes, by the library
Number of newspapers and press services used for clipping: 9
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: yes, by the library
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament:
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject
indexing: Thesaurus and classification system
Automation of cataloguing: yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online
catalogue to outside users?: yes
Clientele: Members of the Parliament and staff. Visitors have
access to the collections through the Web and may consult books
in-house. At the moment the Center is going through renovation and
all the reading rooms are currently closed.
Number of reading rooms: 6
Number of loans per year: 5.560
Reference services: yes
Number of reference requests per year: 13.000
Current bibliographies: yes
Number of current bibliographic bulletins or series: 4
Retrospective subject bibliographies: yes
External database searches: yes
Analysis and research: No, not by the library
by: Research-Service – Consultoria Legislativa
Right to deposit: United Nations
IFLA membership: yes
4. Publications published by the Library
- Anuário Estatístico do Processo Legislativo (Annual Statistics Reports on Legislative Process)
- Fique por Dentro (Electronic Publication that comprises bibliography, legislation, bills and news about a specific subject)
- Livros novos (Book alert)
- Sumário de periódicos (Content alert service)
- Perfis parlamentares (Series of distinguished members of parliament)
- Plenarium (Journal – each issue focuses on a specific topic)
- Biografia dos deputados – Bandep (Bibliography of the members)
- Guia de serviços (Services guide / gateway)
5. Publications concerning the Library
- Catálogo de publicações (Catalogue of books published by the Center)
- Catálogo de obras raras (Catalogue of rare books)
- Bulletin of the Center
6. Parliamentary documents
- Diário da Câmera dos Deputados (Minutes of the House)
- Cadernos de altos estudos (Articles produced by researchers on specific topics)
- Regimento interno (Rules of procedures)
- Separatas (Published speeches of members)
For the parliaments of the component States of the Federative
Republic of Brazil see the
World directory of parliamentary libraries of federated
states and autonomous territories - listing below.
- About Brazil
- Acre, Estado
- Alagoas, Estado
- Amapá, Estado
- Amazonas, Estado
- Bahia, Estado
- Ceará, Estado
- Distrito Federal
- Espírito Santo, Estado
- Goiás, Estado
- Maranhao, Estado
- Mato Grosso, Estado
- Mato Grosso do Sul, Estado
- Minas Gerais, Estado
- Pará, Estado
- Paraíba, Estado
- Paraná, Estado
- Piauí, Estado
- Pernambuco, Estado
- Rio de Janeiro, Estado
- Rio Grande do Norte, Estado
- Rio Grande do Sul, Estado
- Rondônia, Estado
- Roraima, Estado
- Santa Catarina, Estado
- Sao Paulo, Estado
- Sergipe, Estado
- Tocantins, Estado