Vote accounts in 2000 in accordance with Article 19 Para. 3 of the Law on Political Parties

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(As at 31.10.2000) Votes cast for party lists representing more than 0.5 % of total votes at Federal level and 1.0 % at Land level
Party Bundestag election European election Baden-Württemberg Bavaria Berlin
  27.09.98 13.06.99 24.03.96 13.09.98 10.10.99
  Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in %
SPD 20.181.269 40,93% 8.307.085 30,70% 1.199.123 25,06% 1.750.950 28,73% 349.731 22,37%
CDU 14.004.908 28,40% 10.628.224 39,28% 1.974.619 41,27%     637.311 40,76%
CSU 3.324.480 6,74% 2.540.007 9,39%     3.223.882 52,91%    
GRÜNE 3.301.624 6,70% 1.741.494 6,44% 580.801 12,14% 346.228 5,68% 155.322 9,93%
F.D.P. 3.080.955 6,25% 820.371 3,03% 458.478 9,58% 100.894 1,66% 34.280 2,19%
PDS 2.515.454 5,10% 1.567.745 5,79%   0,00%     276.869 17,71%
REP 906.383 1,84% 461.038 1,70% 437.228 9,14% 219.072 3,60% 41.814 2,67%
DVU 601.192 1,22%                
Pro DM 430.099 0,87%                
Tierschutzpartei     185.186 0,68%         16.732 1,07%
ödp         69.775 1,46% 108.920 1,79%    
STATT Partei                    
GRAUE                 17.559 1,12%
Total 48.346.364 98,05% 26.251.150 97,01% 4.720.024 98,66% 5.749.946 94,36% 1.529.618 97,83%
Registered voters 60.762.751   60.786.904   7.189.906   8.846.155   2.414.493  
Valid votes 49.308.512   27.059.273   4.784.129   6.093.455   1.563.576  
Invalid votes 638.575   409.659   75.176   80.878   17.646  
Turnout 82,20%   45,19%   67,59%   69,80%   65,49%  
Party Brandenburg Bremen Hamburg Hessen Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
  05.09.99 06.06.99 21.09.97 07.02.99 27.09.98
  Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in %
SPD 433.521 39,33% 123.875 42,56% 298.218 36,24% 1.102.544 39,37% 371.885 34,29%
CDU 292.634 26,55% 108.050 37,12% 252.354 30,67% 1.215.783 43,42% 327.948 30,24%
GRÜNE 21.410 1,94% 25.958 8,92% 114.776 13,95% 201.194 7,18% 29.240 2,70%
F.D.P. 20.472 1,86% 7.327 2,52% 28.664 3,48% 142.845 5,10% 17.062 1,57%
PDS 257.309 23,34% 8.418 2,89%         264.299 24,37%
REP         15.207 1,85% 75.114 2,68%    
DVU 58.247 5,28% 8.823 3,03% 40.957 4,98%     31.194 2,88%
Pro DM                 15.619 1,44%
NPD                 11.531 1,06%
STATT Partei         31.401 3,82%        
BFB         10.914 1,33%        
AFB     7.110 2,44%            
Total 1.083.593 98,30% 289.561 99,47% 792.491 96,30% 2.737.480 97,75% 1.068.778 98,54%
Registered voters 2.056.834   488.812   1.211.288   4.282.397   1.404.552  
Valid votes 1.102.360   291.091   822.931   2.800.372   1.084.611  
Invalid votes 14.514   2.703   8.982   45.214   31.023  
Turnout 54,30%   60,10%   68,68%   66,45%   79,43%  
Party Lower Saxony North Rhine-Westphalia Rhineland-Palatinate Saarland Saxony
  01.03.98 14.05.00 24.03.96 05.09.99 19.09.99
  Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in %
SPD 2.068.477 47,94% 3.143.179 42,84% 821.539 39,81% 247.311 44,37% 232.311 10,73%
CDU 1.549.227 35,90% 2.712.176 36,97% 798.166 38,68% 253.856 45,55% 1.231.254 56,90%
GRÜNE 304.193 7,05% 518.295 7,06% 142.665 6,91% 18.106 3,25% 55.609 2,57%
F.D.P. 209.610 4,86% 721.558 9,84% 184.426 8,94% 14.259 2,56% 23.369 1,08%
PDS     79.934 1,09%         480.317 22,20%
REP 118.975 2,76% 83.296 1,14% 71.499 3,46% 7.328 1,31% 32.793 1,52%
Pro DM                 46.469 2,15%
NPD                 29.593 1,37%
STATT Partei                    
FAMILIE             5.623 1,01%    
Total 4.250.482 98,51% 7.258.438 98,94% 2.018.295 97,80% 546.483 98,05% 2.131.715 98,50%
Registered voters 5.929.342   13.061.265   2.987.099   822.810   3.592.456  
Valid votes 4.314.932   7.336.411   2.063.726   557.337   2.164.072  
Invalid votes 61.711   72.988   51.207   8.186   32.210  
Turnout 73,81%   56,73%   70,80%   68,73%   61,14%  
Party Saxony-Anhalt Schleswig-Holstein Thuringia   Total Total
  26.04.98 27.02.00 12.09.99   Federal, European, Land election Länder
  Number of votes in % Number of votes in % Number of votes in %   Number of votes in % Number of votes
SPD 536.501 35,87% 630.728 43,08% 214.801 18,50%   42.013.048 36,39% 13.524.694
CDU 329.282 22,02% 515.421 35,20% 592.474 51,02%   37.423.687 32,41% 12.790.555
CSU               9.088.369 7,87% 3.223.882
GRÜNE 48.542 3,25% 91.389 6,24% 21.617 1,86%   7.718.463 6,68% 2.675.345
F.D.P. 63.250 4,23% 111.649 7,63% 13.001 1,12%   6.052.470 5,24% 2.151.144
PDS 293.475 19,62% 20.066 1,37% 247.906 21,35%   6.011.792 5,21% 1.928.593
REP               2.469.747 2,14% 1.102.326
DVU 192.352 12,86%     36.386 3,13%   969.151 0,84% 367.959
Pro DM               492.187 0,43% 62.088
Tierschutzpartei               201.918 0,17% 16.732
ödp               178.695 0,15% 178.695
SSW     60.367 4,12%       60.367 0,05% 60.367
NPD     15.121 1,03%       56.245 0,05% 56.245
STATT Partei               31.401 0,03% 31.401
GRAUE               17.559 0,02% 17.559
BFB               10.914 0,01% 10.914
AFB               7.110 0,01% 7.110
FAMILIE               5.623 0,00% 5.623
WSH               0 0,00% 0
Total 1.463.402 97,85% 1.444.741 98,68% 1.126.185 96,99%   112.808.746 97,70% 38.211.232
Registered voters 2.148.365   2.135.881   1.965.937     182.087.247   60.537.592
Valid votes 1.495.531   1.464.096   1.161.181     115.467.596   39.099.811
Invalid votes 39.902   20.373   15.622     1.626.569   578.335
Turnout 71,47%   69,50%   59,86%     64,31%   65,54%