Official name of the country:
Ceská republika
(Czech Republic)
Official language: Czech
Official name of Parliament:
Parlament Ceské
(Parliament of the Czech Republic)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary
-Bicameral -
Official names of Chambers:
Senát (1)
Poslanecká snemovna (2)
(Chamber of Deputies)
Member of the ASGP
The Library serves both chambers of the Parliament
2. Address
Parlament Ceské republiky
Parlamentní knihovna
Snemovní 4
118 26 Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Tel.: *(420)(2)539411; 24592349
Fax: *(420)(2)539406
3. Details
on the Library
Year of foundation: 1857
Person in charge: Dr. Karel
Position or official title:
Øeditel Parlamentní knihovny
Number of library staff: 14
Number of professional librarians:
Number of secretarial and support
staff: 2
Number of other staff: 8 (information
Size of collection: 200.000
Number of annual accessions:
Annual acquisitions budget: 2.500.000
Kc (~ US$ 85.000)
Number of current periodicals:
Periodicals indexed for relevant
articles: Yes, by National Library
Number of periodicals which are currently
indexed for articles: 80
Number of periodical articles indexed per
year: 17.000
Number of current newspapers:
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Press
Dept. (25)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers:
Library in charge of the archival materials
of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification
system for subject indexing: Thesaurus
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue
accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?:
Clientele: Members, Senators and
their personal staff, parliamentary staff, authorized persons who
require works held only by the Library
Number of reading rooms: 3 (25)
Number of loans per year: 5.500
Reference services: 14.800
Current bibliographies: 3
Retrospective subject bibliographies:
External database searches: 50
Analysis and research: Yes, by the
Parliamentary Institute of the Office of the Chamber of
Right to deposit: No, but the
Parliamentary Library has to be notified of all new
Depository library: United
Other special collections of the
Library: Special collection of EU law
IFLA membership: Yes
4. Publications published by the Library
Informacní listy
Parlamentní knihovny
Information sheets of the
Parliamentary Library
* Prehled
zákonodárné cinnosti Parlamentu Ceské
Survey of legislative activities of the
Parliament of the Czech Republic
Novinky Parlamentní
List of acquisitions
Current contents
Správní právo
; ústavní
Administrative law ; constitutional law
Zahranicní politika ;
Foreign policy ; international relations
Vojenství ; bezpecnost
Military and security policy
Ekonomika ; finance
Economics ; finance
Veda ; kultura ; skolství a mládez ; televychova
Science ; culture ; schools and education ; sports
Lidská práva ;
Human rights ; minorities
Sociální a zdravotní
Social and health policy
5. Publications concerning the Library
Parliamentarism in Czechoslovakia,
Hungary, and Poland : past and present / Karel Sosna, Endre
Száva-Kováts, Andrzej Gwizdz // In: Soviet and East
European parliamentary libraries at the dawn of the post-communist
era. - Bonn, 1991. - p. 35 - 93
ISBN 3-89372-009-X
Sosna, Karel: Knihovna Federálního
shromázdení. // In: Informatika
I' 91. - 33 (1991),11, s. 308 - 310
Library of the Federal Assembly
Sosna, Karel: Nekolik poznámek k transformaci byvalé
knihovny Federálního shromázdení
// In: Informatika I' 94. - 36 (1994),3,
s. 73 - 74
Some remarks to the transformation of the former Library of the
Federal Assembly
Sosna, Karel: Zdenek Václav Tobolka a knihovna
Národního shromázdení
predválecné Ceskoslovenské republiky //
In: Informatika
I' 94. - 36 (1994),7/8, s. 198 - 202
Zdenek Václav Tobolka and the Library of the National
Assembly of the Czechoslovak Republic before the Second World
Sosna, Karel: Transformation of the Czechoslovak Parliamentary
Library // In: INSPEL. - 29 (1995),2, p. 89 - 91
The parliamentary
Information folder
Samek, Tomas: The Eurovoc Project in the Czech Parliamentary
Library//In: Jirankova, J.(Ed): Seminar EUROVOC '95: Praha,
27.-28.6.1995:proceedings of the Seminar for EUROVOC Thesaurus
Users from Central and Eastern European Parliamentary Libraries and
Information Institutions,- Praha: Office of the Chamber of
Deputies, 1995.- s. 81-85
Sosna, Karel: Bude Parlamentni knihovna Ceske republiky otevrena 24
hodin denne? K soucasnemu stavu elektronizace informacnich
sluzeb pro poslance a senatory Parlamentu CR//In: Infocus.-2(1996),
11/12, s.210-212
Sosna, Karel: New Developments in Library Services and
Technology: Modernization of Information Services of the
Parliamentary Library of the Czech Republic//In: Booklet 1:
Division of General Research Libraries: 63rd IFLA General
Conference: August 31-September 5, 1997. Copenhagen:IFLA, 1997,
Sosna, Karel: Parlamentni knihovna Ceske republiky: Elektronizace
informacnich sluzeb//In: Parlamentni zpravodaj.-4 (1998),
14/15, s.346-349
Vrbikova, Hana:
Projekt Elektronicke knihovny v
Ceskem Parlamentu//In:
Ikarus.-2(1998), 72nd election period.-List of Members,
parliamentary groups, etc.
3. volebni obdobi.-1998
3rd election period.-List of Members, parliamentary groups, etc.
*Parlament Ceske republiky, Senat
Parliament of the Czech Republic, Senat
Prozatimni jednaci rad Senatu.-1998.-216 s.
Temporary standing orders
6. Parliamentary documents
* Tisky. - 1918 -
Printed papers and reports
Tesnopisecké zprávy
... - 1918 -
Verbatim report
Poslanecká snemovna
* Parlament Ceské republiky,
Poslanecká snemovna.
Parliament of the Czech Republic, Chamber of Deputies
1. volební období. -
1st election period. - List of Members, parliamentary groups,
Jednací rád
Poslanecké snemovny. - 1995. - 128 s.
Standing orders
(updated in February 1999)