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The online catalogue covers the entire stock of the Library. It lists publications which have appeared as bibliographically independent works or as contributions to other works. Every year, around 11,000 publications and 10,000 periodical articles are catalogued and indexed.
Since its establishment in 1949, the Library has catalogued and indexed articles relating to politics and Parliament from more than 1000 journals. Over ten per cent of the nearly 800,000 catalogue entries for articles currently include a link to an electronic version of the full text of the article. The Library makes an ever-growing number of electronic publications, journals and databases available to its users.
In addition to keyword and free-text search options, the online catalogue offers a thesaurus-based search function. This offers both the occasional user and the specialist appropriate access points for searches, via a user-friendly and accessible user interface. Lists of suggested reading on specific events or topics can be accessed online.
The Library has been working with the POLIANTHES library thesaurus since 1949. In 1997-1998 it was thoroughly overhauled to meet the requirements of a user-friendly online catalogue with the addition of natural-language terms. The subject thesaurus consists of 90 microthesauri. Its structure is thus similar to that of EUROVOC, the European Parliament thesaurus which is also used by various European Union Member States.
The Library is constantly expanding its stock of electronic publications, which it makes available to users via the Bundestag intranet, allowing them quick access to the full text of politically interesting material directly from their offices. This material includes:
The Library’s electronic catalogue is accessible via the Library’s intranet portal, the central electronic information tool providing comprehensive information about the Library and its services. Library material can be ordered from every office.
Library material is issued to the user immediately. Some 60,000 volumes are lent out each year.
The reading room in the Marie-Elisabeth Lüders Building has a reference stock of around 20,000 volumes on a wide range of topics and offers ready access to the current issues of around 1000 periodicals. In the Jakob Kaiser Building there is a small reading room which offers key material relating to Parliament, politics, law and economics, as well as the current issues of 60 periodicals. Both reading rooms offer a wide range of services, including information, advice and lending services.
The Library regularly presents its new acquisitions in its reading rooms and creates displays of books on current and historical themes with a connection to Parliament’s work.
The Library’s services encompass providing information, handling simple enquiries and complex research requests, compiling lists of material on specific parliamentary or political topics, and sorting and making material available by topic. The staff provide a general induction into the use of the Library and the electronic catalogue, as well as offering training which is tailored to users’ needs.
The Library publishes a monthly list, organised by subject, of topical books and articles. It also publishes occasional lists of suggested reading on topical and politically relevant issues. Particularly topical books are highlighted by the Library’s information bulletins, which offer concise information about them. All of these lists are available on both the intranet and the Bundestag’s website.
On request, publications which are required on an ongoing basis for the performance of official duties are made available by the Library, in printed and electronic form, to organisational units of the Bundestag Administration and committee secretariats.