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14. Wahlperiode
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"Sustainable Energy Supplies in View of Globalization and Liberalization"

Introduction by the Study Commissions's Chairman

Foto of the Chairman Kurt-Dieter Grill
Energy underlies our entire way of life. Every society needs heat, light and mobility. But the current system for producing, distributing and consuming energy wastes resources. The production and consumption of energy for the above purposes also has an adverse effect on the environment and climate which the earth's ecosystem cannot indefinitely endure.

Energy policy at the beginning of the twenty-first century is faced with new challenges. We must:

The German Bundestag's previous study commissions have examined the protection of the earth's atmosphere as well as protection of mankind and the environment. In this connection, special attention was devoted to energy policy. The Study Commission on Sustainable Energy is therefore in a position to build on the extensive work already carried out.

Consequently, upon a motion of the SPD, CDU/CSU, Alliance 90/The Greens and the FDP parliamentary groups, the German Bundestag, on 17 February 2000, set up the Study Commission on Sustainable Energy Supplies in view of Globalization and Liberalization. Against the background of the Commission on Sustainable Development's Sustainability Conference (CSD IX), taking place in April 2001, and the "Rio + 10" conference in 2002, the Study Commission will develop recommendations concerning energy for implementing the sustainability objectives of Agenda 21. It will begin with the short, medium and long-term goals aimed at protecting the climate. Germany has set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions to 25% below 1990 levels and has committed itself under international law, and within the framework of the Kyoto Process, of decreasing its greenhouse gas emissions by 21% by 2010. It was the conclusion of the German Bundestag's Study Commission on Climate Change that emissions from industrialised countries would have to be cut by 80% by 2050.

We will investigate trends, objectives and the scope for action at a national, European and global level. In particular, we will highlight possible courses of action against the background of globalization and liberalization and the changes they have wrought.

The Study Commission has adopted a comprehensive work programme, the priorities of which are as follows:

The action programme forms the basis for the Study Commission's meetings, hearings and studies. In the autumn of 2000, we already held hearings on sustainability, climate change, availability of resources, liberalization and globalization and we also commissioned studies on liberalization, WTO/GATT, instruments, technologies and scenarios.

The German Bundestag has charged the Study Commission with preparing an interim report. For the Sustainability Conference in April 2001, we will present the challenges posed by the liberalization of energy markets as regards ensuring an efficient, environmentally sound supply of energy and outline ways of correcting undesirable trends. The aim of the final report is to develop long-term scenarios and policy recommendations for the Bundestag, the central elements of which will be energy conservation, energy e-fficiency and renewable energy and which will pave the way for a sustainable and viable supply of energy in Germany and Europe.

Kurt-Dieter Grill, MdB
Chairman of the Study Commission
"Sustainable Energy Supplies in View
of Globalization and Liberalization"