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Startseite > PARLAMENT > Interparlamentarische Gremien > Parlamentarische Versammlung der OSZE > Amtliche Unterrichtungen > OSZE PV - 11. Jahrestagung vom 6. bis 10. Juli 2002 in Berlin >
11. Jahrestagung
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11011 Berlin

Participants in the 11th OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly Annual Session

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the German Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA) it is my pleasure to invite you to attend the 11th OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Annual Session in Berlin from 6 to 10 July 2002.

The movement towards a united Germany was strongly influenced and prepared by the Helsinki Process. The events that brought Europe back together a decade ago were, at the same time, the beginning of a new era of European cooperation which poses new tasks for the OSCE. Those events showed that peaceful change is possible if the international community creates the prerequisites for this and people are willing to demand change peacefully. In this new era the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly has an important policy-shaping task.

We will hold our Annual Session in Berlin, a city that, like no other, symbolizes Europe's process of growing together after decades of destructiveness in the East-West conflict and, in this context, at the former dividing line between East and West, in the Reichstag Building next to Brandenburg Gate. I am pleased that you chose this venue for your conference.

I look forward to seeing you in Berlin!

Wolfgang Thierse
Head of the German Delegation

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