Deutscher Bundestag
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Guided Tours

Photography: German Bundestag's Buildings
Buildings of the German Bundestag
© dpa

The following 90-minute tours are available during periods when parliament is not sitting (see calendar of sitting); max. number of participants: 25.

Tour of the Reichstag Building
  • Topics: the functions, working methods ans composition of parliament, as well as the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building
  • Unaccompanied visit to the dome if desired
  • Mon-Sun and public holidays 10.30, 13.30, 15.30 und 18.30 hrs
  • West portal, left entrance (West A)

Tour of the Reichstag Building for families

For families with children from 6 to 14 years
  • Talk designed for children on Parliemt's tasks, way of working and composition, as well as on the history and architecture of the Reichstag Building
  • Unaccompanied visit to the dome if desired
  • Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays at 10.00 hrs
  • West portal left entrance (West A)

Art and architecture tours

  • In the Reichstag Building

    • Sat, Sun and public holidays 11.30 Uhr
    • West portal left entrance (West A)
    • Unaccompanied visit to the dome if desired

  • In the Paul Löbe Building or Jakob Kaiser Building

    • Sat, Sun and public holidays 14.00, 16.00 hrs
    • North Entrance (Reichstag Building), with disabled access
    • Unaccompanied visit to the dome if desired

  • In the Marie Elisabeth Lüders Building

    • Sat, Sun and public holidays 12.00, 14.00 hrs
    • North Entrance (Marie Elisabeth Lüders Building), with disabled access
    • (note: unaccompanied visit to the dome not without queue time)

Tours of buildings for foreign visitors
  • On request tours can be provided at various times in the following languages: Danish, English, French, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish

  • Please book in writing as early as possible due to limited availability (see section)

Tours unavailable
  • 14 April (Good Friday), 16 April (Easter Sunday), 19 November (Day of national Mourning), 23-26 December (Christmas), 31 December 2006 (New Year's Eve), 01 January 2007 (New Year's Day): no tours available.
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