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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Éire / Ireland
Official languages: Irish (Gaelic), English

Official name of Parliament: Tithe an Oireachtais / Houses of the Oireachtas
-Bicameral -
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Official names of Chambers: Seanad Éireann / Senate (1)
Member of the ASGP

Dáil Éireann / House of Representatives (2)
Member of the ASGP

The Library serves both chambers of the Parliament

2. Address
Oireachtas Library
Leinster House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2
Tel: *(353)(1) 618 3412
Fax: *(353)(1) 661 5583

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1924
Person in charge: Ms Maura Corcoran
Position or official title: Librarian
Number of library staff: 10
Number of professional librarians: 5
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 4 Specificaton: 4 of the professional staff undertake research in addition to other Library duties
Number of secretarial and support staff: 5
Size of collection: 100.000
Number of annual accessions: 8.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 70.000 IR£ (~ US$ 115.000)
Number of current periodicals: 120
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: No
Number of current newspapers: 70
Press cuttings: No
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Thesaurus
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: No
Clientele: Members, parliamentarians' personal staff, parliamentary staff
Number of reading rooms: 1 (46)
Number of loans per year: 1.250
Reference services: Yes
Other special services: Access to the Internet
Current bibliographies: No
Retrospective subject bibliographies: No
External database searches: Yes
Analysis and research: Yes, by the Library
Depository library: United Nations, European Union
Other special collections of the Library: British parliamentary papers from 1800 on, records of the pre-Union Irish Parliament, 17th, 18th, and 19th century pamphlets on Irish political and current affairs
Any other information: : The Public Relations Office deals, inter alia, with general information enquiries from the media, interest groups, schools and members of the public. The Office is also responsible for a number of publications including Information Leaflets (12 leaflets on aspects of parliament and government) and a more detailed book on the parliament.

IFLA membership: No

4. Publications published by the Library
Select list of accessions

6. Parliamentary documents
Parliamentary papers
Parliamentary papers are papers which have been laid before either House of the Oireachtas. - Include annual reports of Government Departments and semi-State bodies, reports from Commissions, reports from Parliamentary Committees, statutory instruments, etc. - They are indexed and bound in annual sets
Parliamentary debates
Unrevised daily reports of Parliamentary debates of the Seanad Éireann. - Subsequently the revised reports, complete with index, are issued in the form of bound volumes
- Journals
Journals of proceedings of the Seanad Éireann contain daily records of the business transacted by the Seanad compiled from the minutes made by the clerks. - Published on a daily basis and subsequently indexed and published annually in bound form
Standing orders / Seanad Éireann

Parliamentary debates
Unrevised daily reports of Parliamentary debates of the Dáil Éireann. -
Subsequently the revised reports, complete with index, are issued in the form of bound volumes
- Journals
Journals of proceedings of the Dáil Éireann contain daily records of the business transacted by the Dáil compiled from the minutes made by the clerks. - Published on a daily basis and subsequently indexed and published annually in bound form
Standing orders / Dáil Éireann

(updated in December 1998)

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