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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Nihon-koku
Official language: Japanese

Official name of Parliament: Kokkai
(The Diet)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
-Bicameral -
Shûgi-in (1)
(House of Representatives)
Member of the ASGP
Official names of Chambers: Sangi-in (2)
(House of Councillors)
Member of the ASGP
The Library serves both chambers of the Parliament

2. Address
Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan
1-10-1 Nagata-cho
Tôkyo 100
Tel.: *(81)(3)35812331
Fax: *(81)(3)35979104

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1948
Person in charge: Mr Masao TOBARI
Position or official title: Kancho
Number of library staff: 851
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 150
Size of collection: 6.880.000
Number of annual accessions: 290.000
Annual acquisitions budget: Ø (~ US$ 10.840.000)
Number of current periodicals: 157.000
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 5.500
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 258.000
Number of current newspapers: 8.000
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Library (15)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by the Library
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: Yes
Clientele: The functions of a national library have been assigned to the National Diet Library, which is therefore open to the public. Within the National Diet Library the Research and Legislative Reference Bureau serves exclusively Members and parliamentary staff. The National Diet Library also provides library services for the executive and judicial agencies through itts branch libraries in them.
Number of reading rooms: 16 (1,200)
Number of loans per year: 34.000
Reference services: 339.000
Current bibliographies: Yes
Retrospective subject bibliographies: Yes
External database searches: 2,770
Analysis and research: Yes, by the Research and Legislative Reference Bureau
Other special services: Bill-drafting (design) service
Right to deposit: All publications published in Japan
Depository library: : UN, ILO, World Bank, ICJ, IMF, WHO, FAO, ICAO, GATT/WTO, IAEA, UNESCO, OECD, EU etc.
Other special collections of the Library: Modern Japanese political and constitutional history, laws and parliamentary records, foreign books concerning Japan, maps, rare books, music records
IFLA membership: Yes

4. Publications published by the Library
* Nihon zenkoku shoshi
Weekly. - Japanese national bibliography
Nihon kagakugijutsu kankei chikuji kankobutsu soran
Directory of Japanese scientific periodicals
Zasshi kiji sakuin
Quarterly. - Japanese periodicals index. - Series: Humanities and social science ; Science and technology (Only magnetic tape and CD-ROM editions
* Kokkai kaigiroku sôsakuin
Each Diet session. - General index to the debates
ISSN 0385-3276
* Nihon hôrei sakuin
Annual. - Index to the Japanese laws and regulations in force
ISSN 0286-3502
* Refarensu
Monthly. - Bulletin of the Research and Legislative Reference Bureau
ISSN 0034-2912
* Chôsa shiryô
Irregular. - Research material series
* Gaikoku no rippô
Bimonthly. - Foreign legislation
ISSN 0433-096X
* Chôsa to jôhô
Irregular. - Issue brief
*National Diet Library leaflet
In Chinese, English, French, Korean and Russian
*National Diet Library Newsletter
Electronic Journal - In English
*Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan 30 nenshi - 2 vols
Thirty Years' History of the National Diet Library
*Kokuritzsu Kokkai Toshokan 50 nen no ayumi
National Diet Library in pictures: 50 years
*Umeda, Hisae: The Legislative support services of the National Diet Library
Paper presented att eh 62nd IFLA General Conference, Beijing, August 25-31, 1996 (IFLA Publications 83, Parliamentary Libraries and Information Services of Asia and the Pacific. papers prepared for the 62nd IFLA Conference, Beijing, China, August 25-31, 1996. Editd by Rob Brian

5. Publications concerning the Library
* National Diet Library leaflet
In Chinese, English, French, Korean
* National Diet Library newsletter
3 times per year. - In English
Research and Legislative Reference Bureau
Pamphlet. - In English
Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan 30 nenshi. - 2 vols.
30 years National Diet Library
* Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan nenpô
Annual report of the National Diet Library
ISSN 0385-325X
* Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan geppô
National Diet Library monthly bulletin
ISSN 0027-9153
Nakagawa, Fumihisa: The legislative support services of Japan's Diet [Paper presented at the 61st IFLA General Conference, Istanbul, 20 - 26 August 1995 (059-PAR-5-E)]

6. Parliamentary documents
* Sangi-in kaigiroku
Each Diet session. - Proceedings of House of Councillors plenary sessions
Sangi-in iinkai kaigiroku
Each Diet session. - Proceedings of House of Councillors committee meetings
Sangi-in kôhô
House of Councillors official bulletin
Sangi-in yôran
Handbook of the House of Councillors
Pts. I, II, III
* Shûgi-in kaigiroku
Each Diet session. - Proceedings of House of Representatives plenary sessions
Shûgi-in iinkaigiroku
Each Diet Session. - Proceedings of House of Representatives committee meetings
Shûgi-in kôhô
House of Representatives official bulletin
Shûgi-in yôran
Handbook of the House of Representatives
Pts. I, II, III
* Kokkai seiteihô shingi yôroku
Sessional summary of debates in the Diet

(updated in December 1998)

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