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Startseite > INFORMATIONS-CENTER > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Federated States of Micronesia
Official language: English

Official name of Parliament:* Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia

*) for »the parliaments of the component States of Micronesia see World directory of parliamentary libraries of federated states and autonomous territories

2. Address
Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia
The Congress Library
P.O. Box PS3
Pohnpei FM 96941
Tel.: *(691)3202324; 3205838
Fax: *(691)3205122

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation:: 1978
Person in charge: Ms Marieta J. PAIDEN
Position or official title: Librarian
Number of library staff: 3
Number of professional librarians: 2
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 1
Size of collection: 10.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 10.000 US$
Number of current periodicals: 30
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: No
Number of current newspapers: 4
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: No
Automation of cataloguing: No
Clientele: Members, parliamentary staff; open to the public
Number of reading rooms: 14 carrels (32)
Right to deposit: U.S. documents
Depository library: College of Micronesia
IFLA membership: No

6. Parliamentary documents

(updated in March 1996)

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