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Libraries in Spain

Official name of the country: CATALUNYA
Autonomous region
Official language(s): Catalan ;Spanish
Official name of Parliament in original language: Parlament de Catalunya
Official name of Parliament in English translation: Parliament of Catalonia

Name of Parliamentary Library - In original language: Biblioteca del Parlament de Catalunya
Name of Parliamentary Library - In English translation: Library of Parliament of Catalonia

Parc de la Ciutadella s/n
08003 Barcelona

Telephone international code: (34)(3)(93)3046500
Fax international code: (34)(3)(93)3046549

Year of foundation: 1983

Person in charge: Mr. Francesc Pau i Vall
Position or official title of the person in charge of the Parliamentary Library (in original language): Lletrat-Director d'Estudis Parlamentaris

Number of library staff: 7
Number of professional librarians: 4
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 3
Size of collection (number of volumes): 59.327
Number of annual accessions (number of volumes): 2.000
Number of current periodicals : 513
Analytical cataloguing: by the Library
Number of indexed periodicals: 60
Number of articles: 1500
Number of current newspapers: 20
No press cuttings
Parliamentary papers are indexed: not by the library
Archival materials: no
Library uses thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: thesaurus
Automated cataloguing: yes
Catalog not accessible online

Clientele: Members and ex-Members of the Parliament of Catalonia Members and ex-Members of the State Parliament (Cortes Generales), those of all the parliaments of all the autonomous communities in Spain and those of the European Parliament, the departments and staff of Parliament, the staff of parliamentary groups, public institutions, accredited researchers, media with parliamentary authorization
Number of reading rooms: 1
Number of seats: 48

Reference services: yes
Current bibliographies: yes
Subject bibliographies: yes
External database searches: yes
Right to deposit: Publications of the Generalitat of Catalonia (Autonomous Government), Official publications
Other special collections: The Fornas Collection
Any other informations: The Records Office, The Documentation Department
Member of IFLA

Publications published by the Library:

Catalogacions recents (Recent catalogue entries). This is a compilation of the most recent additions to the Library. Issued every two weeks for both internal and external distribution.

Butlletí de Sumaris- Sèrie I. Revistes especialitzades (Summary Bulletin-Series I. Specialized magazines). This includes the summaries of periodicals specializing in topics closely related to parliamentary activity and documentation. Monthly, for both internal and external distribution.

Butlletí de Sumaris- Sèrie II. Comunitat Europea. Organismes internacionals (Summary bulletin-Series II. European Community. International Bodies). This includes summaries of periodicals concerning the European Community and international bodies. A monthly publication for both internal and external distribution.

Butlletí de Sumaris-Sèrie III. Generalitat de Catalunya (Summary Bulletin-Series III, Generalitat of Catalonia). This includes summaries of periodicas and magazines published by the Generalitat of Catalonia. A monthly publicaction for both internal and external distribution.

Butlletí de Buidatges (Bulletin of extracts). Contains systemized information primarily of legal periodicals published in Spain. Bimonthly, for internal and external distribution.

Documentació Parlamentària (Parliamentary documentation). These are monographic dossiers with regulatory, jurisprudential and doctrinal references to assist Parliament in its handling of specific proposals and bills. For both internal and external distribution.

Specific dossiers with a variety of documental references drawn up at the request of Members of Parliament, parliamentary groups and other parliamentary bodies and departments.

(updated in April 1999)

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