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Official name of the country: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
(Republic of Turkey)
Official language: Turkish

Official name of Parliament: Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
(Turkish Grand National Assembly)
Name of library: Library and documentation Center of Turkish Grand National Assembly

Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Member of the ASGP

2. Address
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi
T.B.M.M. Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Müdürlügü
(Library and Documentation Center of Turkish Grand National Assembly) 06543 Ankara
Tel.: *(90)(312)4206835
Fax: *(90)(312)4207548
Telex: 43627 TBMM

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1920
Person in charge: Mr Ali Rýza CIHAN
Position or official title:T.B.M.M. Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Müdürü
Number of library staff: 84
Number of professional librarians: 18
Number of research an subject analyst staff in the Library: 33

Specificaton: The total number includes 18 LibrarianNumber of secretarial and support staff: 34
Number of other staff: 17Specification: The other staff who have graduate degrees.Size of collection: 300.000
Number of annual accessions: 6.000-7.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 497.400.000.000 TL (~ US$ 300.000)
Number of current periodicals: 3.000
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 385
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 12.000
Number of current newspapers: 70
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Library (36)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by the Library
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Thesaurus
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: No
Clientele: Members, parliamentary staff; scholars, general public (by special permission)
Number of reading rooms: 3 (70)
Number of loans per year: 19.000
Reference services: 12.000
Current bibliographies: No
Retrospective subject bibliographies: No
External database searches: 800
Analysis and research: Yes, by the Library
Other special services: SDI services
Right to deposit: All materials published in Turkey. The Library adds only some of them to its collection.
Other special collections of the Library: Ottoman history
Any other information: Any other informations :The press cuttings system was replaced with computerised system. The computerised newspaper database has been in service since 1991. The important articles of the selected newspapers are transformed into digital form in full text. From the database including more than 620.000 newspaper items to which 200 are added daily a search can be made using options such as author name, subject, newspaper name, genre of writing and date interval. The newspaper database which answers as fully as possible the need of Members of Parliament to scan the daily Turkish press and take written copy, and which was limited to five newspapers between 1991-1997, since 1998 comprises majority of the daily press except local dailies. Newspaper Database is only available on the Intranet of the Parliament.
IFLA membership: Yes

4. Publications published by the Library
Anayasa bibliyografyasi. - Ankara, 1981. - (Yayin ; no 1)
Constitutional bibliography
Korkut, Sevgi: Toprak reformu ve Türkiye. - Ankara, 1984. - (Yayin ; no 8)
Land reform and Turkey
Dursun, Hilmi: Avrupa Toplulugu ve Türkiye AET iliskileri. - Ankara, 1984. - (Yayin ; no 9)
European Communities and Turkish-EEC relations
TBMM Kütüphanesi süreli yayinlar katalogu. - Ankara, 1987. - (Yayin ; no 11)
Union list of serials
Hükümetler ve programlari : 1920 - 1988. - Ankara, 1988. - (Yayin ; no 12)
Governments and their programmes
Korkut, Sevgi: Bazi ülkelerde parlamento üyelerine saglanan haklar ve kolayliklar. - Ankara : TBMM, 1988
Rights and privileges of the Members of Parliament in some countries
Korkut, Sevgi: Türkiye'de yabanci ülkelerde önseçim. - Ankara : TBMM, 1989
Candidate selection procedures in Turkey, the U.S.A., and the United Kingdom
Korkut, Sevgi: Bazi ülke parlamentolarinda komisyon sistemleri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1989
Committee systems in the Parliament
Korkut, Sevgi: Baskanlik sistemi, yari-baskanlik sistemi, parlamenter sistem. - Ankara : TBMM, 1989
Presidential, semi-presidential and Parliamentary systems
Korkut, Sevgi: Silahli çatismalarda insan haklarinin korunmasi ve uluslararasi insancil hukuk. - Ankara : TBMM, 1989
Protection of human rights and the international humanitarian law
Ersoy, Hülya: Türkiye-Yunanistan iliskileri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1989
Turkish-Greek relations
Varli, Bahar: Türkiye'de issizlik. - Ankara : TBMM, 1990
Unemployment in Turkey
Korkut, Sevgi: Bazi ülkeldere posta ile oy kullanma. - Ankara : TBMM, 1990
Postal voting in some countries
Korkut, Sevgi: Yerel yönetim ve demokrasi. - Ankara : TBMM, 1990
Local government and democracy
Korkut, Sevgi: Ingiltere, Almanya ve Fransa'da siyasi partilerin örgütsel yapilari. - Ankara : TBMM, 1991
Organizational structures of political parties in Britain, France and Germany
Delikanli, Ihsan: Çesitli ülke parlamentolarinda bütçe prosedürü. - Ankara : TBMM, 1992
Budgetary procedures in the parliaments of Britain, Germany, Belgium, Denmark and Norway
Delikanli, Ihsan: Ingiltere, Ispanya, Almanya ve Danimarka parlamentolarinda oylama usulleri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1992
Voting procedures in the parliaments of Britain, Spain, Germany and Denmark
Çolak, Ali: Kadin haklarinin tarihsel gelisimi ve bugünkü durumu. - Ankara : TBMM, 1992
Historical developments and present situation in women rights
Delikanli, Ihsan: Parlamentonun hükümeti denetleme yollari : Almanya, Isveç; Danimarka, Belçika, Ingiltere. - Ankara : TBMM, 1992
Parliamentary scrutiny of government in Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium and Britain
Yildiz, Ahmet: Yerel Parlamento Modelleri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1992
Local parliaments
Çolak, Ali: Seçim sistemleri : Almanya, Ingiltere, ABD, Norveç, Pakistan, Israil, Malezya. - Ankara : TBMM, 1992
Electoral systems in Germany, Britain, U.S.A., Norway, Pakistan, Israel, Malaysia
Delikanli, Ihsan: Parlamentolarda oylama usulleri : Ingiltere, Ispanya, Almanya, Danimarka. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Voting procedures in parliaments in Britain, Spain, Germany and Denmark
Delikanli, Ihsan: Parlamento görüsmelerinin televizyondan yayini : ABD, Ingiltere, Finlandiya, Portekiz. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Televising parliamentary proceedings in U.S.A., Britain, Finland, Portugal
Yildiz, Ahmet: Siyasi partilerin finansmani. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Financing political parties
Yildiz, Ahmet: Metropol yönetimleri : Ingiltere, Fransa, Almanya. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Metropolitan government in Britain, France and Germany
Yildiz, Ahmet: Etnik kimligin korunmasi ve federalizm : Yugoslavya örnegi. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Protecting ethnic identity and federalism : Yugoslav example
Yildiz, Ahmet: Kamu görevlilerinin siyasete katilimi. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Civil servants' participation in the politics
Neziroglu, Irfan: Maastricht sonrasi Avrupa. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Europe after Maastricht treaty
Neziroglu, Irfan: Dagilma sürecine kadar Yugoslavya. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Dissolution process in Yugoslavia
Neziroglu, Irfan: Türkiye-Avrupa Toplulugu iliskileri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Turkey-EC relations
Neziroglu, Irfan: Bosna-Hersek ve Savas. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Bosnia-Herzegovina and the war
Varli, Bahar: Cumhuriyetten günümüze Türkiye'de tarim sektörü / by Bahar Varli and Serap Tamzarali. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Agriculture in Turkey from 1923 to 1993
Varli, Bahar: Türkiye'de tarimsal destekleme politikalari / by Bahar Varli and Serap Tamzarali. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Agricultural support policies in Turkey
Varli, Bahar: Dünyada Memur sendikaciligi. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Civil servant syndicalism in the world
Kanci, Özden: Türk Cumhuriyetleri ile ticarette uygulanabilecek sistemler. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Systems applicable in the trade between Turkey and the central Asian Republics
Kanci, Özden: EFTA-Türkiye iliskileri ve AT ile karsilastirma. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
EFTA-Turkey relations and the comparison with EC
Delikanli, Ihsan: Ingiltere, Fransa ve Almanya'da Yasama sorumsuzlugu ve yasama dokunulmazligi. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
Freedom of speech and freedom from arrest in Britain, France and Germany
Delikanli, Ihsan: ABD'de uygulanan baskanlik sistemi ve baskan Kongre iliskileri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1993
The presidensial system in the U.S.A. and President - Congress relations
Yildiz, Ahmet: Milli Bütünlesmede Ispanyol Modeli. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
Spanish model in the national integration
Yildiz, Ahmet: Çesitli ülkelerde din ve devlet islerinin düzenlenmesi. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
The regulation of religious and the state businesses in some countries
Yildiz, Ahmet: Ideolojik terör örgütleri ve teröre karsi mücadele. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
Ideologic terrorist organizations and the fighting against terrorism
Yildiz, Ahmet: Etnik yapinin siyasi yapilanmaya etkisi. - Ankara, TBMM, 1994
Impacts of ethnic structure upon the political structure.
Çolak, Ali: Demokrasi ve temel kurumlari. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
Democracy and its fundamental institutions
Yildiz, Ahmet: Ulus, ulusçuluk ve ulusal bütünlesme. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
Nation, nationalism and the national integration
Neziroglu, Irfan: Birlesmis Milletler ve baris. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
United Nations and the peace
Neziroglu, Irfan: Filistin sorunu. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
Palestinian question
Durdular, Ercan: Kuzey Kibris Türk Cumhuriyeti ekonomisi ve gelecege dönük yaklasimlar. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
Economy of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the future prospects
Durdular, Ercan: Kirim Türkleri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1994
Crimean Turks
Çolak, Ali: Siyasal ahlak ve siyasal yozlasma. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
Political ethic and political corruption
Durdular, Ercan: Türkiye ile Suriye, Iran ve Irak arasinda su konusunda imzalanan andlasmalar. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
Agreements concerning water signed between Turkey and Syria, Iran and Iraq
Varli, Bahar: Türkiye - AB iliskileri : Gümrük Birligi. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
Turkey - European Union relations : customs union
Durdular, Ercan: Uluslararasi hukukta su yollan kavrami. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
The concept of water ways in the international law
Çolak, Ali: Avrupa Insan Haklari Sözlesmesi ve özellikleri. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
European Convention on Human Rights and its fundamental features
Tamzarali, Serap: Türk turizm sektörünün gelisimini engelleyen sorunlar. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
Problems preventing the development of Turkish tourism sector
Çolak, Ali: Türk Medeni Kanununda kadin. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
Women in the Turkish civil code
Yildiz, Ahmet: ABD Kongresinde komisyonlar
Committees in the U.S. Congress
Varli, Bahar: Türkiye'nin kalkinmasinda ve AB ile bütünlesmesinde yabanci sermayenin rolü. - Ankara : TBMM, 1995
The role of the foreign investment in the economic development of Turkey and the integration with the European Union
Durdular, Ercan: Armenian Azerbaijani Dispute Over Karabakh (1990-1994). -Ankara: TBMM,1995
Durdular, Ercan: Batý Trakya Türkleri: -Ankara:TBMM,1997
Turks of Western Thrace
Durdular, Ercan: AK Üyesi Ülkelerde Parlamento Üyelerinin Mali Ýliþkilerinin Denetimi ve Þeffaflýk. -Ankara:TBMM,1997
Neziroðlu, Irfan: Pakistan Dosyasý. -Ankara: TBMM,1997
Korkut, Sevgi: Ýsrail Baþbakanlýk Sistemi. -Ankara: TBMM,1997
Yýldýz, Ahmet: Bazý Avrupa Ülkelerinde Siyasi Partilerin Kapatýlmasýna iliþkin Düzenlemeler. -Ankara: TBMM,1997
Yýldýz, Ahmet: Bazý Avrupa Ülkelerinde Cumhurbaþkanlarýnýn Görev Süreleri ve Yeniden Seçilmelerine iliþkin Anayasal Düzenlemeler. -Ankara:TBMM,1997
Tamzaralýoðlu, Serap: D-8 Ülkeleri ile Türkiye'nin Ticari Ýliþkileri. -Ankara: TBMM,1997
Tamzaralýoðlu, Serap: Kalkýnmada Öncelikli Yöreler. -Ankara: TBMM 1997
Varlý, Bahar: Türkiyede ve Dünyada Gelir Daðýlýmý. -Ankara: TBMM,1997
Varlý, Bahar: AB'nde Tek Paraya Geçiþ Süreci: -Ankara: TBMM,1997
Varlý, Bahar: Türkiye-AB Ýliþkilerinde Yaþanan Son Geliþmeler. -Ankara: TBMM,1997
Ilgaz, Ali: Uluslararasý Para Fonu. -Ankara: TBMM,1997

Ülke dosyalari
Country profiles
Bilgi / TBMM Enformasyon Merkezi Dergisi
Quarterly journal of TBMM Library and Documentation Centre

5. Publications concerning the Library
TBMM Library and Documentation Center. - Ankara : TBMM Basimevi Müdürlügü, 1995. - 16 p.
User guide. - In English and Turkish
Çelik, Hilmi: Problems of library automation in developing countries [Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of the Section of Parliamentary Libraries, Oslo, 15 - 16 August 1990]
TBMM'de kütüphane hizmetleri // In: TBMM aylik bülten. - (1990), no. 3
Library services at the TBMM
TBMM'de arastirma hizmetleri // In: TBMM aylik bülten. - (1991), no. 4
Research services at the TBMM
Çelik, Hilmi: TBMM parliamentary information system and the resource sharing in legislation [Paper presented at the 2nd Conference of the Association of Parliamentary Libraries of Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok, 9 - 12 May 1994]
Çelik, Hilmi: Using automation and electronic services to build support for the parliamentary library [Paper presented at the 60th IFLA General Conference, Habana, 21 - 27 August 1994]
Information facilities of the Turkish Grand National Assembly / 11th International Conference of Parliamentary Libraries, Ankara, 17 - 18 August 1995
Korkut, Sevgi: The Library and Documentation Center of the Turkish Grand National Assembly // In: Türk kütüphaneciligi=Turkish librarianship. - 9 (1995),3, p. 238 - 240

6. Parliamentary documents
* TBMM tutanak dergisi
Official minutes of proceedings
TBMM Kanunlar dergisi
Law digest
The Turkish Grand National Assembly : TBMM. - Ankara, 1994.
101 p. - (Publications of the TGNA Culture, Art and Publications Board ; 66)
ISBN 975-7479-26-8

(updated in Oktober 2002)

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