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Official name of the country: Ukraine (Ukrayeena)
Official language: ukrainian

Official name of Parliament:* Верховна Рада України (Verkhovna Rada Ukrayeeny)

For the parliament of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea see World directory of parliamentary libraries of federated states and autonomous territories

2. Address
Library of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine
5 Hrushevskogo St.
01008, Kyiv
Tel.: *(380)(44) 2552202
Fax: *(380)(44) 2262145


3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1996
Person in charge: Mr. Eduard Afonin
Position or official title:Керівник - Kerivnyk
Number of library staff: 9
Number of professional librarians: 7
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 1
Number of secretarial and support staff: 1
Size of collection: 65.000
Number of annual accessions: 10.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 280.000 Grn (~ US$ 52.000)
Number of current periodicals: 631
Analytical cataloguing: yes
Number of indexed periodicals: 375
Number of articles: 18 000
Number of current newspapers: 116
Press cuttings: Net
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Net
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: No
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: thesaurus

Automation of cataloguing: Chastichno
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: Net
Clientele: Ukraine's People Deputies, Adviser for Ukraine's People Deputies
Number of reading rooms: 1 (12)
Reference services: yes
Number of reference requests per year: 4 500 (2001)
Current bibliographies: yes
Retrospective subject bibliographies: 5
Number of current bibliographic bulletins or series: 98 (2001)
Subject bibliographies: yes
Number of publications per year: 70 000 (2002)
External database searches: yes
Analysis and research no
IFLA memership: Member of IFLA

4. Publications published by the Library
New accessions to the Library of Supreme Rada of Ukraine in sphere of society and humanitarian science: monthly bibliography. – URL: (in Ukrainian)
Actual problems of legislation: bibliography. – URL: (in Ukrainian)
Afonin E., Gorodetska L., Yakovleva T., Actual problems of legislation: bibliography manual. - K.: Parliamentary Publishing House, 1998. - 422 p.(In Ukrainian)
Afonin E., Voronov U., Ganzhurob U. and others. Parliament of Ukraine: Election' 98 (documents, statistic, bibliography). - K.: Parliamentary Publishing House, 1998. - 423 p. (In Ukrainian)
Supreme Rada of Ukraine: Information reference-book. - K.: Parliamentary Publishing House, 1998. - 70 p. (In Ukrainian)
Afonin E., Dush I., Yakovleva T. Ukraine and world: problems of international cooperation and collective safety: Bibliography of Ukrainian periodicals' articles (1991-1999). - K., 1999. - 100 p. (In Ukrainian)
Drozd V., Afonin E., Demchenko O. Liberation of Ukraine: the Great Patriotic War: 1941 - 1945: Chronological reference-book. - K.: Parliamentary Publishing House, 1998. - 136 p. (In Ukrainian)
Afonin E., Goshovska V. Profetionaly and interesting about Policy: // Viche. - 1999. - № 10. - P. 151-156. (In Ukrainian)
Bibliography // Ukrainian parliamentarism: the past and the present. / edited by U. Shemshuchenko. - K.: Parliamentary Publishing House, 1999. - P. 352-365. (In Ukrainian)
Afonin E., Yakovleva T., Dush I. and others. The President of Ukraine: Bibliography (1991 - 1999). - K.: Parliamentary publisher, 2000. - 270 p. (In Ukrainian)
Afonin E., Banlurka O., Martynov A. Social development AD - K.: Parliamentary publisher, 2000. - 312 p. - (Series: open research conception. 1 edition). (In Ukrainian and English)
Afonin E. Independent parliamentary researches. Proceeding of the ECPRD Seminar. Kyiv, 25-26 May 2000. - K.: Parliamentary Publishing House, 2000. - 326 p. (In Ukrainian and English)
Gorogotska L., Dush I., Yakovleva T. Chernobyl AES: way to closing:bibliography - K., 2000. - 35 p. (In Ukrainian)
Independent parliamentary research: [about materials on European Center of Parliamentary Researches and Documentation (ECPRD) seminar, which took place in Kyiv, 25-26 May 2000] // Voice of Ukraine. - 2000. - 26 May. - P. 1 (In Ukrainian)
Yakovleva T., Pogrebna O., Knyga A. Parliamentarism and state independence of Ukraine: bibliography. - K., 2001. - 40 p. (In Ukrainian)

Publications concerning the library:
Information and library providing of legislation: advertising booklet. - 1997, 1998 [6 p.] (In Ukrainian).
Perepelytsa A. Chernobyl: there are achievements after a number of years: [about the book exhibition presentation "Chernobyl: years and fates"] // Voice of Ukraine. - 1998. - 28 April. - P. 16. (In Ukrainian)
Chachko A. Leader of Lidrary of Supreme Rada of Ukraine [For 50 years since the E. Afonin Birthday] // Gazette of Book Palate. - 1998. - № 11. - P. 33-34. (In Ukrainian)
Bondarenko V. Information helps to control situation // Voice of Ukraine. - 1999. - 15 June. - P. 13. (In Ukrainian)
Afonin E. Parliamentary library: stage, problems and prospects of development // Gazette of Program of assistance Parliament of Ukraine. - 1999. - № 5 (40). - P. 30-32. (in Ukrainian)
Afonin E. 65 Conference of International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA): [account of participation in the conference] // Library planet. - 1999. - № 3. - P. 13-14. (In Ukrainian)
Finder of Yaroslav Mudry Library knows where to seek: [the interview with the Head of Information and Library Department of Aparat of Supreme Rada of Ukraine E. Afonin / Interviewer is B. Chechnev] // The Mirror of week. - 1999. - 16 January. - P. 14. (In Ukrainian)
Institution of library and institution of state: time for decision: [the interview with the Head of Information and Library Department of Apaprat of Supreme Rada of Ukraine E. Afonin / Interviewer is B. Chechnev] // The Mirror of week. - 1999. - 25 September. - P. 15 (In Ukrainian)
Ganga L. Ukrainian parliamentarians are studying legislation in German: [Interview with the Head of Information and Library Department of Aparat of Supreme Rada of Ukraine E. Afonin] // the Day. - 2000. - 24 May. - P. 2. (In Ukrainian)
Afonin E. Parliamentary library I context of social transformations // Library and power. collection of articles for International science - practice conference. - K., 2000. - P. 42-53. (In Ukrainian)

Parliamentary documents of Parliament/Chamber:
Stenographical reports of sessions of Supreme Rada of Ukrainian Soviet Socialistic Republic: Official edition. - K., 1939-1990. (In Ukrainian)
Bulletin of session of Supreme Rada of Ukraine. K.: Parliamentary Publishing House, 1991- . (In Ukrainian)
Gazette of Supreme Rada of Ukraine: Official edition. - K., 1445- . (In Ukrainian)
Voice of Ukraine: the paper of Supreme Rada of Ukraine. - K., 1991 - (In Ukrainian)
Viche: Theoretical and civil - political magazine / the Supreme Rada of Ukraine. - K., 1991- . (In Ukrainian)

(updated in August 2002)

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