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Libraries in Argentina

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: San Juan
Official language: Español

Official name of Parliament: Legislatura Provincial
- Unicameral -

Legislatura Provincial
Biblioteca "Sarmiento Legislador"
Avenida Libertador Gral
San Martín y Las Heras
5400 San Juan
Tel. (54)(64)211750
Fax (54)(64)213012

Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1857
Person in charge: Sra. Dª Micaela Margarita Manrique,
Position or official title: Directora de Información Parlamentaria, Biblioteca y Archivo
Number of library staff: 6,
      Number of professional librarians: 3,
      Number of other staff in the Library: 3
Size of collection: 3.100
Number of current periodicals: 7.200
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Tesauro y sistema de clasificación
Restricted to members of parliament: No,
Who else may use library: público en general
Right to deposit: No
IFLA membership: No

Parliamentary Papers
Diario de sesiones
