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Libraries in Austria

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: Tirol
Official language: Deutsch

Official name of Parliament: Tiroler Landtag
- Unicameral -
There is no parliamentary library
Library services are provided by:
Bibliothek des Amtes der Tiroler Landesregierung
Requests for information concerning the Parliament should be addressed to:
Herr Friedemann Gassler,

Amtsbibliothek der Tiroler Landesregierung
A-6010 Innsbruck
Tel. (43)(512)508572
Fax (43)(512)508595

Details on the Library
Person in charge: Herr Friedemann Gassler,
Position or official title: Amtsdirektor
Annual acquisitions budget: 350.000 ÖS
Number of current periodicals: ca. 20
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Klassifikationssystem
Restricted to members of parliament: Nein,
Who else may use library: Landesbedienstete, in Ausnahmefällen auch Außenstehende
Right to deposit: Nein
IFLA membership: Nein

Parliamentary Papers
Stenographische Berichte des Tiroler Landtages : ... Periode, ... Sitzung der ... Tagung am ... - Innsbruck
