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Libraries in Brazil

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: Minas Gerais
Official language: Portugués

Official name of Parliament: Assembléia Legislativa do Estado de Minas Gerais (Minas Gerais State Legislature)
- Unicameral -

Área de Documentação e Informação
Documentation and Information Area
Assembléia Legislativa do Estado de Minas Gerais
Rua Rodriguez Caldas
30 - andar SE
190-921 - Belo Horizonte - MG
Tel (055)(031)290-7661
Fax (055)(31)2751122

Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1892
Person in charge: Mr. Alaôr Messias MARQUES JÚNIOR
Position or official title: Gerente-Geral
Number of library staff: 43
Number of professional librarians: 8
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 14
Number of secretarial and support staff: 21
Size of collection (number of volumes): 10.000
Number of annual accessions (number of volumes): 458
Annual acquisitions budget in national currency: R$ 21.000,00 (Reais) Equivalent in US$: 17.500,00
Number of current periodicals: 78
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes
Number of indexed periodicals: 65
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 179
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 7.421
Number of current newspapers: 16
Press cuttings: by the library; by Área de Comunicação Social
Number of newspapers and press services used for clipping: 6
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: Yes
Library uses thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: thesaurus; classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: Yes
Clientele: Members and staff of the Parliament
Public in general
Number of reading rooms: 3
Number of seats: 42
Number of loans per year: 4.180
Reference services: 21.356
Current bibliographies: no
Subject bibliographies: no
External database searches: 5.168
Analysis and research: yes
Other special services: - Databases of state legislation and projects in process
- Research of primary sources about the history of institucional composition
- Dissemination of information (current contents and new acquisitions)
- Bibliographic standardization of institucional publications
- Vocabulary control for institucional databases
- Support on the planning and implementation of textual databases
- Training courses for municipal legislative agents
Right to deposit: Publications of the Minas Gerais State Legislature
Depository library for: Minas Gerais State Legislature
Other special collections: Thesis and dissertations about the legislative area
IFLA membership:: No

(updated July 1999)
