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Startseite > WISSEN > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Libraries in the People's Republic of China

Official name of the territory: Hong Kong
Official languages: Chinese

Official name of Parliament: Legislative Council
- Unicameral -

The Legislative Council of Hong Kong
Office of the Clerk
Council Chamber
Legislative Council Building
8, Jackson Road
Hong Kong
Tel. (852)8699463, telex 73380 GOV HK HX
Fax (852)8101691
Cable address: Comparlas Hong Kong

Details on the Library
A parliamenary library in the proper sense of the word does not exist, but the Members have a reading room where some publications are available for their reference and information

Parliamentary Papers
Order Paper
Minutes of sittings of the Legislative Council
- Hansard
Record of the proceedings of the Legislative Council
Papers laid on the table of the Legislative Council
