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Startseite > WISSEN > Bibliothek > World Directory of Parliamentary Libraries >
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Official name of the country: Kongeriget Danmark
(Kingdom of Denmark)
Official language: Danish

Official name of Parliament:* Folketinget
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Member of the ASGP

2. Address
Bibliotek, Arkiv
og Oplysningstjeneste
1240 København K
Tel.: *(45)33373434
Fax: *(45)33147060
Telex: 21509 FLKTNG DK

3. Details on the Library
Year of foundation: 1850
Person in charge: Ms Elise Holt
Position or official title: Head of Information and Documentation Department
Number of library staff: 16
Number of professional librarians: 7
Number of research and subject analyst staff in the Library: 2
Number of secretarial and support staff: 3
Number of other staff: 4 (press cutting staff, bookbinder)
Size of collection: 225.000
Number of annual accessions: 4.000
Annual acquisitions budget: 900.000 dkr (~ US$ 160.000)
Number of current periodicals: 3.000
Periodicals indexed for relevant articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently indexed for articles: 50
Number of periodical articles indexed per year: 200
Number of current newspapers: 15
Press cuttings: Yes, by the Library (20)
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers: Yes, by Editorial Section
Library in charge of the archival materials of the Parliament: Yes
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification system for subject indexing: Classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?: Yes
Clientele: Members, previous Members, parliamentarians' personal staff, parliamentary staff; Government officials; press; scholars
Number of reading rooms: 1 (24)
Number of loans per year: 4.000
Reference services: Yes
Current bibliographies: Yes
Retrospective subject bibliographies: Yes
External database searches: Yes
Analysis and research: Yes, by the Library
Right to deposit: Danish Government publications
Depository library: No
Other special collections of the Library: Together with the National libraries, research libraries and parliamentary libraries in the Nordic countries there is the obligation of collecting parliamentary papers and laws from countries outside the Nordic countries
IFLA membership: Yes

4. Publications published by the Library
Nyt fra Folketingets Bibliotek
Fortnightly. - News from the parliamentary library. - List of books selected from the latest acquisitions
Irregular. - Special issue. - List of books, magazine articles, newspaper articles, etc. on a particular subject
Folketinget efter valget den ... : biografier ; partiprogrammer ; valgstatistik ... - 1990 -
The Folketing after the election of ... : biographies ; party programmes ; election statistics
Quistorff, Annelise: Folketingets kontrol med regeringen i EF-beslutningsprocessen. - KÝbenhavn : Folketingets Bibliotek, 1991. - 23 s.
Parliamentary control of the government in the EEC decision making process. - English summary

5. Publications concerning the Library
The Library and Information Service of the Danish Parliament // In: The parliamentary libraries of the Nordic countries. - Stockholm, 1989. - p. 9 - 16
Rasmussen, Hanne: Biblioteket og politikerne. - København : Folketingets Bibliotek, 1990. - 16 s.
The parliamentary library and the politicians
Rasmussen, Hanne: Rigsdagens, Rigsrådets og Folketingets Arkiv // In: ARKIV : Tidsskrift for Arkivforskning. - 12 (1989),3, s. 149 - 155
The Archives of the Danish Parliament since 1849

6. Parliamentary documents
* Folketingstidende
Official report of parliamentary proceedings. - 1850 - 1953: Rigsdagstidende. - Compiles all major documents concerning the work of the Folketing. - Consists of the following parts:
Verbatim parliamentary record
Tillæg A
Appendix A. - Bills and motions to resolution
Tillæg B
Appendix B. - Committee reports
Tillæg C
Appendix C. - Bills and motions to resolution passed by Parliament
Tillæg D
Appendix D. - The finance bill with annotations and committee reports
The Folketingstidende covers the parliamentary year which goes from the first Tuesday in October to the first Tuesday in October the next year. - In election years the publication is published twice, each edition covering part of the parliamentary year and each comprising the above mentioned sections. - The edition covering the period before the election is labelled 1. samling, the one covering the period after the election is labelled 2. samling.
* Folketingstidende : årbog & registre
Indexes to Folketingstidende and parliamentary yearbook. - Replaces the previous index with the title Folketigstidende : oversight, covering the period 1850 - 1985/86 as well as the parliamentary yearbook Folketingsårbog, covering the period 1890 - 1985/86. - Contains references of the documentation of the legislation work each year to the relevant parts in Folketingstidende, summaries of bills, motions to resolutions, and interpellations, statistical information, a list of speakers and an alphabetical index
Forretningsorden for Folketinget. - København, 1994. - 74 s.
English edition: Standing orders of the Folketing. - Copenhagen, 1994. - 67 p.

(updated in December 1994)
