German Bundestag Television in Berlin -
Live, without commentary, uncut: professional coverage in images,
sound and text
The German Bundestag has installed eight cameras in its plenary chamber in Berlin to provide coverage of plenary debates. In addition, camera equipment is permanently installed in four further conference rooms to allow the broadcasting of public hearings organised by the committees.

Distribution of Bundestag Television
Bundestag Television can be received on the Berlin cable network
as part of the digital package (862 MHz, Channel 38). As digital
television is not yet available across the whole of Berlin, the
possibility of receiving digital programmes from private network
operators should be investigated where necessary.
Information about the present situation regarding digital coverage
can be obtained from the Medienanstalt Berlin Brandenburg -
mabb - Ausbaugebiet -.
Bundestag Television can also be received via satellite (Astra 1A).
A special satellite receiver is required, as the programme uplink
is encrypted. You can purchase a receiver or a complete set of
reception equipment from the company T-Systems, Media &
Broadcast (
The Bundestag Television programme is broadcast as part of a
multiplex via the satellite position mentioned above. The signals
from the Bundesrat, the Federal Press Association, together with
the video channel of the Press and Information Office of the
Federal Government and of the Federal Chancellery are broadcast via
this multiplex. As these broadcasts are intended for a restricted
group of users, the programmes are encrypted. Click
here for further information (in german).
The Federal Office for Information Security is responsible for
transmitting these signals.
Professional end users requiring recordings or a direct feed should
please contact the German Bundestag, Division PI 4 (e-mail:
Up-to-the-minute information with Teletext
The Bundestag Teletext (Videotext) service provides up-to-the-minute information on the dates and agendas of sittings of the German Bundestag. During debates, Teletext informs viewers of the anticipated duration of the speeches and pending votes.
Live transmission via the Internet
The German Bundestag also broadcasts its plenary debates live on
the Internet.
Debates in the plenary are transmitted via Web-TV; in order to
follow debates in this way, you need to use
Listening and watching plenary debates live by telephone or PC
By dialling 0049 - (0)30/22720018 , the proceedings currently underway in the plenary can be listened to via any telephone. The telephone does not require any special technical features. The number of lines available is limited.