Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment
![Ulla Burchardt, Chairwoman of the Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment (SPD)](burchul0.jpg)
Committee chairwoman Ulla Burchardt (SPD)
© German Bundestag
Taking long-term decisions
Knowledge is the raw material of the future. Education and research are decisive preconditions for innovation in business and society. This is why it is one of policymakers’ most important tasks to make sure the right framework is in place and secure sufficient financial resources for education, science and research. The Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment deliberates on long-term decisions about the direction in which research and education policy should be moving. For instance, it is interested in the promotion of Germany as a research location, vocational education and training and the conclusions to be drawn from the PISA studies, which compare pupil attainment across the OECD member states.
One special feature of the Committee’s work is its responsibility for the Office of Technology Assessment (TAB), which is run by the Karlsruhe Research Centre. TAB advises the Bundestag on questions relating to research and technology policy, draws up analytical studies and issues reports on significant issues.