Digital Image Service/Image Archive
The German Bundestag’s website now offers
a new service. Please read the following conditions of use before
using the images.
Please contact us if you have any questions: German Bundestag, Administration, Parliamentary Archives / Division ID 2, Tel.: +49 (0)30-227 35502
Conditions of use
- The German Bundestag has acquired all usage rights to the digital images from the copyright holders unless otherwise indicated, e.g. in the information accompanying the images.
- The information accompanying the images and the usage restrictions contained therein must be complied with. The user is liable for damages resulting from non-compliance. In this respect, the user indemnifies the German Bundestag against claims by third parties.
- The images may in principle be downloaded free of charge and be
used within the framework of reports on parliament for the
following purposes:
- Publication in the press
- Publication in print media
- Use in film and on television
- Online and multimedia publications
Any other use for commercial purposes, in particular for advertising purposes, is prohibited.
- The user must delete the digital images after use without delay. Images may not be saved electronically for archival purposes.
- Any editing, alteration or manipulation of the digital images other than colour correction, cropping and resizing is permissible only with the prior written consent of the German Bundestag. Equally, the digital image may not be reproduced out of context.
- Any distortion of the copyright-protected work, in image, text or any other form, e.g. by means of rephotography, falsification, photocomposition or using electronic tools, is prohibited. The user is responsible for the caption.
- The press, in particular, is obliged to comply with the journalistic principles of the German Press Council (Press Code). Permission to use the images does not imply that the persons pictured, the holders of the rights to works pictured or of trademarks or other property rights have given their consent to public reproduction. The user is responsible for obtaining the consent of third parties necessary in individual cases. The user must respect the personal rights, copyright, trademarks and other property rights of the persons, works, objects or signs pictured. If such rights are not respected, the user alone is liable to third parties.
- The German Bundestag reserves the right to investigate in case where improper use or a serious infringement of these conditions of use is suspected.
- When using a digital image, the source “German Bundestag
/ name of photographer or name of agency” must be cited. This
also applies in the case of publication in electronic form (e.g.
Internet sites). A copy of any publication in print must be sent
without being requested and free of charge to the Parliamentary
Archives at the following address:
German Bundestag, Parlamentsarchiv, Referat ID 2, Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin
By clicking on "Yes, I accept" you agree to be bound by these conditions and will be taken directly to the german Digital Image Service / Image Archive. There you have to cklick on "Ja, ich bin einverstanden" at the bottom of the page to enter the service.