Europa und Internationales
Empfehlungen der 52. Vollversammlung (erster Teil) - englisch
- Implementation of Decision 27 and Order
120: voting rights in committees for parliamentary delegations of
permanent observer and affiliate permanent observer countries
- ORDER 121 - on parliaments and the Althea
- RESOLUTION 126 - on the development of
interparliamentary cooperation in the Balkans
- RESOLUTION 127 - on parliamentary debates
and public opinion on European integration
- RESOLUTION 128 - on parliaments and the
Althea mission
- RECOMMENDATION 759 - on the implementation
of the European Security Strategy - reply to the annual report of
the Council
- RECOMMENDATION 760 - on security
cooperation between the EU and its eastern neighbours
- RECOMMENDATION 761 - on the European
Technology Acquisition Programme (ETAP) - reply to the annual
report of the Council
- RECOMMENDATION 762 - on network-centric
operations: European capabilities
- RECOMMENDATION 763 - on the fight against
international terrorism: defence aspects
- RECOMMENDATION 764 - on ESDP developments
and the Headline Goal 2010 - reply to the annual report of the
- RECOMMENDATION 765 - on developments in
the Broader Middle East
- RECOMMENDATION 766 - on arms control and
non-proliferation: verification by satellite
- RECOMMENDATION 767 - on the way ahead for
the European Security and Defence Policy and its democratic
scrutiny - reply to the annual report of the Council
- RECOMMENDATION 768 - on peacekeeping in
Sub-Saharan Africa: a practical approach
- RECOMMENDATION 769 - on the European
defence equipment market: Article 296 of the Treaty establishing
the European Community and the European Commission?s Green Paper -
reply to the annual report of the Council
- RECOMMENDATION 770 - on the future of the
European naval defence industry
- RECOMMENDATION 771 - on surveillance of
the maritime and coastal areas of European states
- RECOMMENDATION 773 - on the European Union
in the Balkans: Althea and other operations
- RECOMMENDATION 774 - on cooperation in the
operational area between the EU and NATO - reply to the annual
report of the Council
- RECOMMENDATION 775 - on fighting
international terrorism: a challenge for Europe