The parliamentary standing
committees examine proposals and draft legislation in detail,
invite experts to attend their sessions and undertake the
preparatory work for the legislative decisions taken by plenary
sessions of the Bundestag. Each of the 21 committees has its own
meeting room in one of the rotundas in the Paul Löbe Building.
Here you can see the meeting room of the Committee on Human Rights
and Humanitarian Aid. With just 17 members it is one of the smaller
committees. All seats are provided with microphones and the
circular tables are designed to promote understanding. The
chairperson sits in front of the centre of the floor-to-ceiling
window. Each meeting room has two floors. Downstairs is where the
deputies hold their discussions while visitors are normally able to
sit upstairs and listen unless the meeting is closed to the public.
Against the wall of the committee room there are seats for official
guests, e.g. representatives from ministries or diplomats.