Official name of the country:
Republika Balgariya
(Republic of Bulgaria)
Official language: Bulgarian
Official name of Parliament:
Narodno Sabraniye na Republika
(National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria)
Member of the Inter-Parliamentary
Member of the ASGP
2. Address
Narodno Sabraniye
Biblioteka na Narodnoto Sabraniye
2, Narodno Sabraniye Pl.
1169 Sofiya
Tel.: *(359)(2)84001; 8402353
Fax: *(359)(2)803346
Telex: 22272 BG
3. Details
on the Library
Year of foundation: 1880
Person in charge: Ms Margarita
Position or official title: Nachalnik
na otdel Biblioteka
Number of library staff: 8
Number of professional librarians:
Size of collection: 102.000
Number of annual accessions:
Annual acquisitions budget: 1.600.000
Lv (~ US$ 22.800)
Number of current periodicals:
Periodicals indexed for relevant
articles: Yes, by the Library
Number of periodicals which are currently
indexed for articles: 90
Number of periodical articles indexed per
year: 12.000
Number of current newspapers:
Press cuttings: Yes, by Press
Indexing of Parliamentary Papers:
Library in charge of the archival materials
of the Parliament: Yes
Library uses a thesaurus or a classification
system for subject indexing: Classification system
Automation of cataloguing: Yes
Is the automated library catalogue
accessible as an online catalogue to outside users?:
Clientele: Members, parliamentary
groups, parliamentary staff; executive and judicial bodies;
journalists accredited to the National Assembly; scholars
Number of reading rooms: 2 (40)
Number of loans per year:
Reference services: 8.500
Current bibliographies: 2
Retrospective subject bibliographies:
External database searches:
Analysis and research: Yes, by
Parliamentary Research Department
Right to deposit: National Assembly
Other special collections of the
Library: Official publications of other parliaments,
Bulgarian official publications and foreign laws, EU
IFLA membership: Yes
4. Publications published by the Library
Katalog na Bibliotekata na Narodnoto
Sabraniye. - Sofiya, 1897
Catalogue of the Library of the National Assembly
Katalog na Bibliotekata na Narodnoto
Sabraniye. - Sofiya, 1909
Catalogue of the Library of the National Assembly
Katalog na Bibliotekata na Narodnoto
Sabraniye. - Sofiya, 1914
Catalogue of the Library of the National Assembly
Zlatanova, Kh: Zakonodatelni aktove 1944 - 1984 : spravochnik.
- Sofiya, 1984. - 478 s.
Normative acts 1944 - 1984 : handbook
Signalen informatsionen
byuletin. - Sofiya, 1970 -
Monthly. - Signal information bulletin. - Bibliographic information
review of new books and other acquisitions
Balgarski zakoni za izbirane na
Narodno Sabraniye = Bulgarian laws
on parliamentary elections : a volume of statutes ; 1879 -
1991. - Sofiya, 1994
Narachnik na Narodniya
predstavitel. - Sofiya, 1995
Handbook of Members of Parliament
Aktualizatsiya na Narachnik na
Narodniya predstavitel. - 1995 -
Monthly. - Update to the Handbook of Members of Parliament
Zakoni ...=Acts of the ... National Assembly. - 1995
Chronological list of parliamentary acts. - In Bulgarian and
5. Publications concerning the Library
Brief information about the
Library / National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria,
Information folder
Angelova, Margarita:
The Library of the National Assembly of
the Republic of Bulgaria // In: Parliamentary libraries in
the Eastern Mediterranean- Black Sea Crescent : papers / 11th
International Conference of Parliamentary Libraries, Ankara, 17 -
18 August 1995
6. Parliamentary documents
Darzhaven vestnik
Twice a week. - State gazette
Stenografski dnevnitsi
Minutes of parliamentary sittings
Konstitutsiya na Republika
The Constitution of Bulgaria. - In Bulgarian, English, French,
German, Russian, Spanish
Pravilnik za organizatsiyata i
deynostta na Narodnoto Sabraniye
Standing Orders
Rules of organisation and procedure
of the National Assembly. - Sofia, 1995
Narodni predstaviteli v trideset i
sedmo Narodno Sabraniye = Members
of Parliament in the thirty-seventh National Assembly. -
Sofiya, 1995
(updated in February 1996)