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Distribution of seats in the 18th german Bundestag


CDU/CSU largest parliamentary group

The CDU/CSU will form the largest parliamentary group in the German Bundestag in the new electoral term. In the Bundestag election on Sunday, 22 September, the two parties together received 41.5 per cent of the second votes. The SPD won 25.7 per cent. The Left Party received 8.6 per cent, while Alliance 90/The Greens received 8.4 per cent of the second votes. The FDP, which won 4.8 per cent, will no longer be represented in the Bundestag. Alternative for Germany (AfD) also narrowly missed entering Parliament, winning 4.7 per cent of the vote.

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Ausdruck aus dem Internet-Angebot des Deutschen Bundestages
Stand: 23.09.2013