Welcoming statement
Dear fellow parliamentarians,
The German Delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly was reconstituted at the beginning of the 15th electoral term of the German Bundestag (2002-2006) and would like to provide a brief description of itself.
The German Delegation continues to be made up of thirteen members and their substitutes. The various party-political groups are represented proportionately to the number of seats they have in parliament, i.e. six MPs for the group of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), five MPs for the group made up of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany and the Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CDU/CSU), and one MP each for Alliance 90/The Greens (A90/Greens) and the Free Democratic Party (FDP).
During this electoral term the German Delegation will once again be involved in a wide range of activities in the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly and will endeavour to make a meaningful contribution to the work done by the organization. This involvement includes the offices held by the following MPs: Gert Weisskirchen (SPD), Vice President of the Assembly, Monika Griefahn (SPD), Vice-Chair of the General Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment, as well as Uta Zapf (SPD), Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Belarus. A former Vice President of the Assembly (1994-2000), Willy Wimmer (CDU/CSU), is Deputy Head of the German Delegation. Following her departure from the German Bundestag, Professor Rita Süssmuth continues to be active as Special Representative of the OSCE PA for South Eastern Europe.
On behalf of the German Delegation I wish you successful meetings held in a positive atmosphere and characterized by forward-looking cooperation.

Wolfgang Thierse
President of the German Bundestag
Head of the German Delegation