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Libraries in Russia

Official name of the federated state/autonomous territory: Chechenskaya Respublika
Status unresolved; did not sign the Federation Treaty
Within the former Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic Chechnya and Ingushiya together constituted an Autonomous Republic (area: 19.300 km²; population: 1.290.000). In 1991 an All-National Congress of the Chechen People gradually seized effective power in the territory, and on 27 October held elections to the presidency of a Chechen Republic which subsequently declared its independence from Russia and did not sign the Federation Treaty on 13 March 1992. As a result the Ingushskaya Respublika was constituted and given the status of a Republic within the Russian Federation. Statistical data concerning areas and populations of the two Republics cannot be given, as the border line between them is still disputed

Official name of Parliament: Verkhovniy Sovet Chechenskoy Respubliki
(Oberster Sowjet der Tschetschenischen Republik)
- Unicameral -
Library services are provided by:
Respublikanskaya Nauchnaya Biblioteka

Respublikanskaya Nauchnaya Biblioteka
Chechenskoy Respubliki im. A.P. Chekhova
Skver im. A.P. Chekhova
364903 Grosniy
Tel. (7)(8712)222967, telex 247239 orekh

Details on the Library
Person in charge: G-zha Tamara Patsevna Gabisova (Frau Tamara Pazewna Gabisowa)
Number of library staff: 110
Size of collection: 2.500.000
Restricted to members of parliament: Nein,
Who else may use library: Öffentliche Bibliothek
Right to deposit: Die Bibliothek erhält die Parlamentszeitung Golos Chechenskoy Respubliki (Stimme der Tschetschenischen Republik), in der alle Rechtsvorschriften der Tschetschenischen Republik veröffentlicht werden
Any other information: An den Obersten Sowjet wird wöchentlich ein Informationsbulletin verschickt, in dem die Rechtsvorschriften Rußlands und Informationen über Rußland und die Tschetschenische Republik enthalten sind
IFLA membership: Nein

Parliamentary Papers
* Golos Chechenskoy Respubliki
Stimme der Tschetschenischen Republik

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