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Startseite > PARLAMENT > Kommissionen > Archiv: 14. Wahlperiode > Enquete-Kommission Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft > Textvorlagen von Kommissionsmitgliedern zum Thema "Globalisierung der Finanzmärkte" >
Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft
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Financial Stability Forum (2000). Report of the Working Group on Offshore Centres. 5. April 2000. Basel: FSF

At its inaugural meeting on 14 April 1999, the FSF established an ad hoc Working Group to address concerns raised by Offshore Financial Centres (OFCs). Mr. John Palmer, Superintendent of Financial Institutions, Canada, chaired the Group. The Group's report was submitted to the FSF for discussion at its meeting in Singapore on 25-26 March 2000. The FSF welcomed the report and endorsed its recommendations.

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